Better for our future generations - Plastic-bags against reusable cloth-bags

I see more and more people with these bags wich they can reuse.
But sadly these are often jounger and older people, it looks for me, that a whole generation wont think about our environment and our next generations.

There is a easy solution to this problem:
these thin plastic-bags for vegetables and fruits 1USD/1€
and these big and thick plastic-bags für your whole carrier-bag 2USD/2€.

I think many people would be too stingy to buy such a expensive bag every time they go shopping.
Paper-bags are much better, but the best are reusable cloth-bags which can be reused hundreds of times.

I know this is on german but the topic is important to the whole world so I write this in the world-language :)
The principle is litarally "Become a Repetitionbager".

In best regards Daniel

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