Michigan’s Chemical Waste Problem

Today, I read a story on Yahoo:


“The chemicals do not break down easily and can migrate from soil to groundwater. They were used in scores of U.S. industrial applications and have been detected in human and animal blood around the globe. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry says scientists are uncertain about how they affect human health at exposure levels typically found in food and water. But some studies suggest the chemicals might affect fetal development, disrupt hormonal functions, damage fertility and immune systems, and boost the risk of cancer.”

It’s this kind of article that throws the whole ‘99% of climate scientists agree...’. into stark relief. The amount of resources and time thrown at global warming where the media almost always asserts that the science is settled and politicians, like Obama during his tenure, fly all over the place giving speeches and creating regulations around the alleged certainty of what GW will do and that ‘we must save the planet’. The entire effort to convince people of the importance of global warming THEORY has been in lieu of verifiable, scientifically documented, actual environmental hazards.

But what about Michigan’s toxic chemicals problem? This report isn’t about something that was just discovered. It’s been a KNOWN problem for a while.

It illustrates the criminal neglect of politicians like Obama and his ilk. Real environmental problems are complex and require leadership to address. Toxic chemical (as well as radioactive) waste is our top environmental issue, but you wouldn’t know it with all the global warming propaganda that has been pushed by the media for the last 20 years.

And the scientists have no clear answers about how to deal with it - no easy to package narrative about a so-called consensus... 😡

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