We just have to know were we are heading to,because all we need to be and who we want to be in this life is within us we just have to reach out and grab it. The world won't wait for anybody,we just have to leave our past behind and open our eyes and soft our minds for the future. Its never late to chase our goals,we don't have to climb the highest mountain to reach were we want to be,nothing is too hard for you to achieve you just have to try. Everyday may not be a good day but if we search within us we will find out that there is a good in everyday,so we have to make the best preparation for tomorrow by doing our best today,make a decision today in order not to be a product of circumstance rather to be a product of your decision. Don't worry about how many times you fail while trying to achieve what you want,rather have in mind that someday you are going to be at the level you dreamt of being or even higher. Nobody is a failure in this world unless you don't try. Be the change you want.

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