Why You Are Not Like Gary Vaynerchuck

The problem is that we think we our intellect, not with our intelligence. People suffer their intellect and the problem is that they don't even realize it themselves.

People think they are smart because they 'know a lot'.
They studied in school, they watched GaryVee or read expert books.
They might even invest more heavily and go to conferences or programs.
But knowing and doing are two different things. You can read about how a wine tastes but if you don't drink it, you'll never actually know how it tastes.

Your intellect is an accumulation of what you read, watched, studied and experienced. Most peoples experience is so limited that they are "HEADLINE READERS" not "PRACTITIONERS".

The problem with 'headline readers' is that they think they know because they've studied the topic.
The problem with thinking you know is that you think you know.
If you think you know, there is no desire to know more because if you know, you know...

You Don't Know What You Don't Know

Learn to see the world just the way it is. Self-awareness is the start of everything. If you are not self-aware, your core is off balance. If your core is off balance you'll always end up making weird choices and always have a hard time in life.

It's time we stop Engineering the Physical world... It's time to start Inner Engineering first and learn what it really is the be human and live life as the miracle it is.

Learn to understand the cosmic perspective and realize who you are and how to get energy and confidence like Gary.


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