Be a Big Fish in a Small Pond


For the last couple months I’ve been wondering exactly how to proceed as an entrepreneur. I’ve been doing so much of this wondering that I almost forgot to stop doing that shit and act. A big part of my wondering has been how exactly do I leverage this amazing resource we know as the Steem Blockchain.

Today (actually a few minutes ago), I came to the realization that what I should be talking about here is the thing I love more than anything else, the thing I can talk about day in day out and never get tired. Entrepreneurship.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for the last 9 years and wow, have I failed. I continue to fail surely and often, but it’s gotten to a point now where my failures have compounded into learnings. I want to share one learning in this post.

Be a Big Fish in a Small Pond. Find your niche. Carve it out. Dominate it. Capture more niches. Grow purposefully. Keep doing that until you’re Amazon.

The reason for doing this is counterproductive at first but separates a serious entrepreneur from an inexperienced one at the end of the day, and it’s this, as entrepreneurs we’re called to move against the crowd. To see the masses going left, but to follow our hearts, intuition and research and go right. Even if when you look around, you’re the only one who went right.

This is exactly what I intend to do with the #entrepreneurship and #entrepreneur tags here on Steemit and eSteem. I’ve noticed most people come onto the platform and tackle the #life #photography #steemit and other popular sections as a way to grow on the platform and for a time I followed that. But then I remembered my lessons as an entrepreneur. I remembered to carve out my niche. To own it.

I’m interested in meeting other entrepreneurs and talking about the things that we have in common and that make us different. I’ve learned that as entrepreneurs we have to stick together. Looking forward to getting to know the entrepreneurs here on Steem.

For now, my posts won’t be so perfectly styled. I won’t try to find the best picture. I’m just gonna focus on getting out the words that are always on my mind. The rest comes later.


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