Being an entrepreneur doesn't mean an escape from poverty.

Being an employee doesn't mean a lockdown into poverty.

A lot of people are getting these two concepts wrong. When you speak of entrepreneurs, they envision people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Aliko Dangote etc

And when you say "employees" they only see that receptionist, secretary or gate man.

Hold on a second. A man selling groceries in a small kiosk by the roadside is also an entrepreneur isn't he?

And the Manager Director of an international oil conglomerate is equally an employee right?

Don't get carried away by the "employment is slavery" or "you are only building another man's dream" mantra.

Many employees today make much more money and have good lives than a lot of "entrepreneurs".

So, do not because you are an entrepreneur look down on an employee or vice versa.

And lastly, be it an entrepreneur of employee, none is easy. We must learn to respect and accept one another, especially at gatherings, events, meet-ups, etc.

None is special than the other. It's more what makes you achieve your dreams and lead the life you desire.


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