The New Era (Must Read)


A NEW day is upon us, a NEW era of entrepreneurs and people that want to be their OWN BOSS.

Let me quickly explain why this is happening. The world as we know it is going through a spiritual awakening or what we call enlightenment. This means that people are more aware of what is happening around them and in their own lives and they want to live in better standards realizing they only got one. They are living in the present moment rather than always thinking about the future and stressing about something that didn't happen yet. This gives them a big advantage to accomplish things day by day and connecting with people has never been easier !

Now that everyone is awake haha, they have even realized that the system is no longer a proven guide to success! Colleges are getting harder to get in, more expensive and of course very much more difficult to get through unlike the past days. There are so many new opportunities for everyone that they would rather go accomplish a business idea with a group of friends taking all the risk rather than going through years of school only to earn a capped income.

Let's look into something that has given a huge helping hand to our new entrepreneurs and that's SOCIAL MEDIA. About 30-40 years ago we didn't have Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube and all these amazing social media platforms that help us connect across the world with a couple taps on a screen! Don't worry the longer these social media platforms are out the more people will realize how easy it is to conduct business using these social media platforms. Heck, the new generation is even helping the old generation's businesses utilize social media to expand their businesses to at least 500 more people PER DAY with only a couple ads on Instagram.

I built a clothing company called Rayiys (meaning Boss in Arabic) and about 6 or so months ago I had a dream it would be big but I never knew how it could reach millions or thousands of people so that a lot of people can wear it. Today I post one picture of one of my t-shirts in a couple snapchat groups and I have hundreds of orders just with a couple clicks that I did myself, taking the picture and posting the picture and it was that easy! These new advantages given to us will never be utilized in every single way because there are infinite possibilities you could use social media. Just have an idea a group of people that love your idea and want to help and boom, create a Instagram etc etc and expand the heck out of your business and go make that money!

Please follow me! I will continue to post more into this new era and much more ! Thank you Steemit community much love ;)

PS: I made 7$ on my first post and I was so excited that it drove me to post this, I can't wait to share more and learn more about Steemit and it's community !

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