Side Hustling Ep. 49: Completely Passive Amazon Affiliate Hustle is Bringing in Over $500 Per Month

Hey guys, Rules for Rebels back with episode 49 of Side Hustle Tuesdays. I goofed on the background for the video so we are actually on episode 49 not 50.

Today's side hustle is about an Entrepreneur and serial side hustler who started a side side side hustle with the Amazon Associates program.

The reason I call it a side side side hustle is because it's not his main gig, and it's not even his side hustle, it's a side side project he started after he saw a need in the marketplace while planning his wife's baby shower.

Today's side hustle is about a developer who used his web design skills to create a directory type website that allows people to create registries for books they want.

Around the time he and his wife were planning her baby shower his wife mentioned how she wanted to ask guests to bring books instead of cards for her. Cards cost a lot of money and wind up getting thrown away shortly after whatever event be it birthday or shower or housewarming party so why not give someone a book instead, something they will actually use and keep and the idea was born.

Randy, today's side hustler created a site called BooksNotCards where people could create registries of their favorite books from Amazon and let their guests know to buy them a book off the registry as opposed to a card.

Randy hooked the site and the buying process up to his Amazon Affiliate account so that when someone buys a book he gets a commission.

The really genius part of this business is the more people that signup the more the site grows on it's own. For example say I decide to use Randy's site and request books instead of cards for an upcomming event. Everyone of my guests is going to get sent a link to Randy's site. Lets say out of my 20 guests 2 of them decide to use the site for their next event and they each send a registry to 20 of their guests and of those guests maybe 2 out of 20 signup and send a registry to their friends and family. As you can see this is the perfect passive income model as the site self promotes itself.

Now I realize that myself and probably many of you don't have the developer skills to create a site like this but there are other ways we could put our own twist on selling books via the Amazon Affiliate Model.

Maybe you could create a Facebook book club and recommend books to people. Maybe you could start a Youtube channel doing book reviews or book discussions. Maybe your a member of a local book club and just ask your fellow book club members to purchase books using your affiliate link. There are a lot of different ways to start something similar on your own even if you lack great web design skills.

Anyhow guys, that's today's story for you. I hope you enjoyed it, I hope you were inspired, and until next time Rules for Rebels signing off.

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