When Everyone is Entitled to Something then Everyone Becomes a Slave to Everyone else.

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I grew up in an environment where I had to work in order to have something. Nothing was given for no reason or for free. Whatever I desired, I had to work for it or find some other way to earn it. This taught me quite a few lessons that are invaluable for surviving our current world of entitlement.

Part of the whole perception about entitlement stems from culture and mainly religion. This world is assumed to be created for us and somehow we think we own it for no apparent reason. Deep down, We all know that this is not true. No matter how many hippy songs we sing the world does not and cannot belong to "us". It is rather owned and controlled by many individuals and groups that have inherited the earth through trade or conquest.

Just because we happened to be alive it doesn't mean someone has to take care of us. The state that we expect to raise and maintain us has already stolen from someone else in order to exist. Everything a country owns and shares once belonged to someone else. When a human being suffers in another corner of the world it can be speculated that some ancestors once screw up some other ancestors so someone else can today have the upper hand.

This have never been a good argument to demand anything from anyone. Much like one can go roll back 3-4-10 generations and unearth their prefered version of inequality, one can also go a millenia back and find some homosapiens fucking over the rest of humanoid species to the point of extinction. The argument of "affirmative action" doesn't hold for the very same reason that on hindsight, everyone is an expert when they judge the world placing themselves at the center of it. We choose the parts that suit us, forgetting the parts that benefit us.

No matter how much we cry or complain nobody will ever give us anything for the very reason that humans are primarily competitive and possessive. We mainly give when our pockets are overflowing. We don't let go once we see out valuation growing larger and larger. This can be easily realised when you have some shitcoins going 10x and you have hard time selling.

Congratulations. You have discovered greed. We are all greedy. We just don't like those who are more greedy than we are. All the other versions that we might recall and might involve Gandi, Jesus, and many other all giving people are exceptions to the rule and it can be argued that they got social capital instead of capital. Remember, everyone is selfish because everyone aims to gain something from someone else whether that is attention, money, status, pitty or anything else in between.

This world is up for the taking whether we like this reality or not. Life is unjust and unfair and nobody ain't gonna make right for us just because we formed a group and gathered up outside a building to complain. Even those who are given some things from the government, the state makes sure to take it back, with interest. Screaming or complaining on the top of out lungs in the internet only offers stigmatization. Society is this slowly crafted into minions of entitlement. When everyone is entitled to something then everyone becomes a slave to everyone else.

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