A decentralized type of Netflix??

These past few weeks we've all been seeing a lot of hype and high volume for crypto currencies such a Neo, OmiseGo, Walton, QTUM etc. And rightly so as they're all very promising projects. Meanwhile, I also look at what the smaller volume projects are doing. One I would like to mention here is Singular DTV or SNGLS. Now, what the heck is it??

We've all seen what blockchain technology brings to our economy and all the problems it could solve in so many aspects. The entertainment industry is not left behind. Singular DTV is an ethereum based platform that allows you to create and broadcast quality film and tv content. One of it's main objectives is to reshape the entertainment industry into a more fair, efficient and transparent business thanks to blockchain and smart contract technology.

An artist, whether he/she is an actor or musician have to place a considerable amount of trust on third parties in order to have their content reach out to the public successfully. Now trust is something very fragile and could take years to build, especially if your a famous artist, trust is one of the key fundamentals that will bring you success. Let's say there is no trust between an artist and his/her manager, I daresay their careers will lead to failure. Trust is something blockchain and smart contracts bring to the table. Say an artist has to perform a concert at a certain part of the world, a smart contract is submitted and performs adequately. This is one of the things smart contracts are designed to do.

This all sounds very nice and all but Singular dtv has yet to prove that it could incentivize artists, directors etc to use this rising technology. However, they already have an artist willing to display his work using Singular dtv apps. He goes by the name of GRAMATIK. With him being enthusiastic about using a decentralized platform, Singular dtv is no longer hype, it's real!

If that's not enough to raise curiosity, the world's first film funded and released on the blockchain is in the works. Alex Winter being the one to take on the task. I'm sure some of you remember the Bill & Ted, excellent adventure, I certainly do! The film is set to tell a story on how this new technology will revolutionize the entertainment industry, to clear out any misconception in the public's eye.

With all that being said, I see Singular DTV as a sleeping giant and one to look out for. Q4 of 2017 will be huge for them as they're set to release applications such as Lauch Pad, Tokit and Ethervision. Have a look at their website and do your own research before investing in the token. Available on exchanges like bittrex and binance.


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