Is Akshay Kumar's heroine a lesbian

Amy Jackson, who has worked in several films in South and Bollywood, is working with Rajinikanth in 'Robo 2.0'. Recently Amy has posted a post on her Instagram account. She is seen with a girl in a picture. This girl has embraced her from behind.

With this photo, Amy wrote a caption, 'WifeLife'. After that Amy's fans were confused. Everyone asked Amy, 'Are you both lesbian?' After reading this caption, it seems that she is in a relationship with this girl. This girl is a UK based model named as Neelam Gill. Apart from Amy, Neelam has also posted a post on her Twitter account in which she wrote, 'Vienna #LifeBall with wifey @iamAmyJackson'

Not only this, Neelam has also made two bridal emojies. On the post of Neelam, fans also asked, "Have both of you got married? Are you lesbian?" However, there is no reply from Amy and Neelam to these questions.

If it is a photo shoot or Amy has shared this photo just for fun. This fact has not been disclosed yet. Last year, Amy had made a satement in an interview talking about homosexuality, "I openly talk about it. My best friend is a lesbo."

In the same interview, Amy had said, "If you are happy with One Night Stand, then there is nothing wrong in it."

Amy is ready to make a comeback in 'Robo 2.0' with Rajinikanth. Akshay Kumar will be seen in a Villain's role in the film.

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