Queen, Senator and Warrior: Padme Amidala


Skillful and Intelligent, in this way can be described to the Queen, Senator and Warrior, Padme Amidala.

Padme Naberrie, Born on the planet Naboo, was chosen Soberana at the age of 14 years. She stood out as one of the main advocates of peace at the end of the Galactic Republic .

When his reign he was only a few months there was a blockage at the hands of the Federation of Trade , Amidala meanwhile used all diplomatic avenues to end the conflict, but their attempts did not get good consequences. Qui-Gon Jin and Obi-Wan Kenobi were sent to Naboo to negotiate with the Federation, but they were tried to kill by order of Darth Sidious.

To reach the planet, contact Amidala, Master Qui-Gon fearing for the safety of the Queen advised to go to Coruscant to present its case, on the way their ship is damaged and must land forcibly in Tatooine , here you know the slave boy Anakin Skywalker and his mother.

After a difficult career, Anakin managed to earn enough money to acquire the pieces to repair the ship and the Queen could go to Coruscant, to the Galactic Senate.

Padme reiterated that the violence would only generate more violence, she was worried about the deaths that could be generated and the freedoms that could be annulled, that is why she disapproved of the creation of an army in the galaxy. He also became one of the most prominent political figures in the galaxy as a member of the Galactic Senate.

Amidala fought in the battle of Geneosis, in which she was captured along with Anakin when they tried to rescue Master Obi-Wan. Despite being wounded, she proved to be really good with blasters.

Padme was trained from a very young age, both in the field of politics, as in self-defense and weapons, steps that were followed by her daughter Leia Organa.

Some time later he secretly married Anakin. Skywalker and Amidala developed a strong connection since they met on Tatooine. They conceived two children; Luke and Leia who years later became fundamental pieces to overthrow the Galactic Empire.

Despite having a sad death after the birth of her children and that her husband will move to the dark side and named Darth Vader , there were many legacies left by this brilliant woman, among whom are, sit the bases for the creation of the Rebel Alliance .

Padme lived the most chaotic time in the galaxy, but she proved to be a woman of arms to take, without fear of intervening, negotiating and always in search of peace.


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