Top 5 Blu-ray to Watch on a Cold Day

It’s -39°C here in Ontario today with the wind chill. I say there hasn’t been a better day this year to call in sick, start up the fireplace, get under a blanket and watch some movies.

Here are my Top 5 Blu-ray's to watch today on this miserable fuck of a day:

Baby Driver - 2017

I’m a big fan of Edgar Wright and have been since I first saw Shaun of the Dead. Seeing him finally branch out with Baby Driver and be embraced by the mainstream was fantastic. This movie had all the makings of a classic and will keep your interest through every scene. As long as you can still watch it with Kevin Spacey being a total creep now.

Django Unchained - 2012

I could watch this movie every day of the year. I have a man crush on Quentin Tarantino and Django Unchained was one of his crowning achievements. Crank up the receiver, grab some beer...since you're home anyway and have no plans to go anywhere in this miserable weather and soak in all the dialogue and visuals.

No Country for Old Men - 2007

Now that we've made it through the first 2 films, let's get a little darker. Let's really strap in and watch another masterpiece. No Country for Old Men is up there with the Coen Brother's best films and deserves a re-watch every year. Joel & Ethan Coen are master directors and put everything into this film. They twist in every direction and even make you root for the villain at times.

The Muppets - 2011

Ok, now that we've had about all the action and dark cinema we can handle for the day let's pop in a comedy/musical for a real change of pace. The Muppets came out of nowhere to be one of my favorite films of 2011. I might be alone on this one but I think the work and love that Jason Segal put into bringing his passion project to the screen really shows. He brought the muppets back to popularity and relevance (even though the sequel would kill them again a short while later). There's laughter, heart and wonder in this movie and it requires multiple views.

Tremors - 1990

Let's cap this day off with a classic. Tremors is all about the enjoyment. Sure the effects haven't held up. I'm not even sure they were great to begin with but the enjoyment level of this film has never abated. There's something in this movie that's held up and I think it will keep being watchable and enjoyable for generations.

Now that we've watched 5 movies today and enjoyed a day on the couch drinking beer by the fire...let's wander off to bed and call it a day.

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