Top 10 Favorite Video Games


I've been an avid gamer since long before they called us gamers. I can't remember a time when I didn't play games. As a kid, I'd wake up early to play for a couple hours when no one was up to bother me and I could absorb everything I possibly could from the fantasies that lay on the screen. I started playing on the Atari 2600 so most of those fantasies were more in my imagination and less on screen but the memories are magical none the less. It opened up a pandora's box of inspiration and addiction. Most of what I do now with art and storytelling is framed by the experiences from Nintendo, Sega, Sony and many others. It's been that important to the way I view life.

Every gamer has their own taste in genre, difficulty of gameplay and storytelling. Knowing this, I made my first TOP TEN a list of Favorite games. Clearly subjective.

I will try to sum up my reasoning for each game's placement with a concise sentence and give you a bit of how it's affected me.

And one last caveat is that this list is a collection of the 1% of the 1%, so the order is a guess at best. This is how I would order them if I had to, but didn't want to.

Top Ten Favorite Video Games

10. Resident Evil 4

It redefining a genre for me with perfect controls, great pacing, and a chilling antagonist. I never thought I would like playing a survival game until this one.

9. Shinobi (PS2)

A difficult arcade action title that delivered with highly memorable story, insane bosses and more style than one game was thought could hold. I've played this for hours, and sometimes for hours without getting past the current level. It introduced a hard 3D action experience.

8. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

This game is so acclaimed that most people won't even need a reason why you love this game. Great gameplay, innovative camera, and one of the most powerful and classic stories told in the medium, period.

7. Mega Man X

I consider this the nerfed but nearly perfect designed, "cooler" incarnation of the Blue Bomber. I love it in so many ways, Haduken!

6. Super Mario 64

Innovation. The Big N showed the world how to make a 3D platformer and made magical experience in the process. I was speechless the first time I touched the first analog stick.

5. Super Smash Bros. Melee

This is one of the few titles that is based on multiplayer. This game was simple yet so so deep. Could be the game I've put the most amount of hours into, if i had to guess; 400.

4. Bloodborne

This game! Its a masterpiece in combat systems and environmental design. This one scared the shit out of me too. I feel like I actually conquered legitimate fears by beating it.

3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

It's an open world game with charm, skill, and a work of art. It's really the first time the screen's adventure matched my imagination's.

2. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

This installment of DKC is my favorite for so many reasons. Solid game play mechanics, strong player rewards for curiosity and skill, and possibly my most favorite game soundtrack ever. Thanks David Wise!

1. Metroid Prime

Arguably the last time Nintendo put out the best looking console game (for its time). I consider it the best transition a game's had to the 3D realm. Its much more than the sum of its parts but...

Some great stand out features are:
-HUD integration and effects are so perfect.
-Atmospheric soundtrack that develops with your progression.
-Carved a new genre as a shooter/adventure hybrid.
-Visor Modes and Beam Upgrades (you really got a sense of power)

I had a real sense that I was alone and on a far off planet. It gave me a place to think as much as play. I love it.

That's it Steemers. Let me know in the comments what you thought of my personal list and feel free to comment with your own list. It would be great to here from you.

If you are not aware, I am an artist and most of my posts comic art based. If you like games, comics and art follow me @catapanoart.

And if you'd like to find me all across the web, here are the links:

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