Everything you need to know about corporate entertainment

Today, most traditional organizations face the challenge of incorporating, from the Human Resources areas, gaming, fun, and the latest routines. The above with multiple purposes: keeping collaborators happy, preparing the best environment for the expansion of creativity, increasing productivity and being pioneers in the real integration between personal and professional life.pexels-photo-196652_orig.jpeg

Do you consider corporate entertainment and work to be diametrically opposed to activities? Perhaps it is time to rethink your assumptions and bet on playful dynamics that, in the end, increase the productivity of your collaborators.

Companies in the field of technology are at the forefront of these changes, although it still seems an exception and not the rule. The studies on happiness endorse the wide benefits that these business routines produce, both for employees and in the numbers of sales or growth, that every CFO wants to present to the board of directors at the end of the month.

Some innovative companies are finally waking up to the values ​​of the game through physical infrastructure. IDEO conducts meetings inside a minibus. In the Google corridors, you are likely to stumble upon a huge dinosaur covered in pink flamingos. At Pixar, an artist’s “office” may be a Wild West canteen.

A little occasional nonsense is something that the wisest men value.” And Stuart Brown, founder of the United States-based National Gaming Institute, and researcher of more than 6,000 gaming stories complements: Gaming has the power to significantly improve everything from health to relationships, education or the innovation capacity of organizations.

What does a Happiness Manager do?

Chingón was read on the cap he wore the morning that the interview was given by the Happiness Manager, Enrique Renteria Ledesma. A shirt (and it was Monday), a friendly smile, a frequent greeting to the team, without frantically turning to see their cell phone during an hour of conversation.

Renteria’s career is interesting to understand the context that frames this important topic of corporate entertainment. In his more than 18 years of work, he has worked both in traditional organizations, reluctant to change and in cutting-edge companies. Renteria’s experience as a Happiness Manager began forging about nine years ago when he worked at Microsoft and opened a compass of opportunities and innovation that he knew how to take advantage of.

Events for the education sector:

If you are looking for a different way to promote group interaction in the midst of a healthy competition environment, this is an ideal way to attract the attention of students of any level (school, college, and university). Choosing the right content, video games can offer important benefits for the development of teamwork, communication, and social skills.

Promote your brand loyalty: how about complementing your presentation with an interactive touch? An innovative way to show appreciation to your consuming public with a dose of competition and fun.

Our creative team will be available to generate ideas together that produce a positive impact on your consumers and on the loyalty of your brand.

Consulting: If you are undecided about the budget that you require for the integral production of an event, you can only hire our advice to develop your ideas and enhance your campaign. We offer you logistical support, strategic contacts, managing social media campaigns and the best information to maximize your ideas.

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