This content got low rating by people.

You are ruining your own product!


There is a reason steem is at 13 cents!

When it was flourishing, people hating people for commenting, expecting a few cents, was frowned upon, so the majority got it banned.

Price of steem fell dramatically.

People wanting to decide what others do, never works out well, take a look around you in the real world.

This will be my last post, not a rage quit, more a measured approach.

When you have a system of negativity, it breeds, and this is toxic.

To make a system where after 7 days, some tosser that runs a bibbot can vote you down for using a bidbot that gives 20% back to the community, you choke.

The group mentality is key!.

Like anything in life, steemit shows one thing. One thing is good today, it is not tomorrow, try stop being led by the nose.

Make informed decisions on your own.

Negativity is rife on here, people deciding what deserves rewards or not, try minding your own business.

I had a in my eyes superb xmas post, it will never now see the light of day, well done!.

It could be such a positive place, a real change to society, it will not though, you let it be so.

It mirrors life much.

I guess you want me gone, so I will go, with pleasure, and I shall do my best to get steem down to nil.

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