Levitation + Poor Man's Enlightenment... (Original Songs By Craig 'CMOR' Morrison)

Levity is the secret to levitating... Didn't you watch Mary Poppins? Gravity will suck us down, take us to the grave... Something to think about, for certain... About 20 years ago I did a quick logic process, regarding happiness... I had collected a lot of data on the subject, but I was still not happy... When I learned one of the primary ideas in Buddhism is that desire causes all suffering, I literally went around for an entire summer telling myself and other people, "I have no desires..."

We human beings have the ability to achieve happiness... But before we get all tangled up with teacher mentor dramas or stockholm syndrome with a new age stank, just take one tidbit and run with it... Thinking it over muddies the waters... You ready for it? The Grandmaster is coming! You are about to meet... The Grandmaster!!! (Ragnarok reference)

Just be happy... Choose to be happy, and for as long as you opt into that choice, you will ACTUALLY BECOME HAPPY... Why this is not taught in kindergarten is beyond my comprehension... Over the past 20 years, I consider the moments I chose to be happy as the victories and triumphs... The moments where I failed in life, my regrets as one would call them, are the times when I forgot to be happy... Are you starting to see how simple this is? It is we who overcomplicate it by attaching our need for security and validation to our personal well-being...

It's pretty much the other way around... Step one: Smile... This will cause your body to undergo physiological changes, nearly instantaneously... The heart send chemicals to the brain, which gives us that ever loving dopamine... Health springs out of happiness, the way that laughter is good medicine... I think that term doesn't come close to how powerful laughter is... I declare that laughter is Poor Man's Enlightenment... Try it out, haha! Why would I steer you wrong?

Repeat Step One... Often... There is a step two which involves telling myself, "Craig, I love you!" and is profoundly powerful... But according to the scientific method, you should take it step by step to ensure the proper results... However, I will say yeah, that leads to some deeeep and fun metaphysical stuff... Bring a shaman!


So this song began as a poem... I was a church dude, would even play in the band on stage, drumming up the holy ghost for the heavenly host... I actually wrote it during an intense worship time, and then read it the same day in front of everyone, when they asked for 'Prophetic Words'... LOL!!! I dunno if this gets such a wacky literary description as that, but I kinda like the idea of being an oracle... It would make a good character name, for our new online roleplaying steemit game called SAVE THE PLANET!!


I'm amazed at the wonder of it all...
Flash in the deadpan, a smile will stop a fall...
Greetings and goodbyes are happy when they happen,
But the real surprise is an audience that applauds without clapping...

Overwhelmed by the accident, I AM...
Sleeping through safekeeping, woke up on the wrong side of bedlam...
Admonishing astonishment will only bring boredom...
So suck the marrow from your own bone, don't wait for post-mortem...

And if you faked your own birth, surely you could wake the whole earth...

Why do we wait for someone else to shine,
before we feel okay, so we can act divine?
Let's give our allah, one moment at a time...
'Cause Everything Is All We Need, and Love is a pantomime...

Be overwhelmed by the miracle of Being...
See the beauty in the Art of Seeing...
Never defer if you are referee-ing...
'Cause Life is all-ye-income-freeing...

And if you faked your own birth, surely you could wake the whole earth...

So take me to the place where I AM, I'll be fine...
What's mine is yours, cuz' you are divine...
And every single tingle running up my spine,
is showing me I'm towing the line...

And if you faked your own birth, surely even YOU could wake the whole earth...

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This meme from my 2011 book, Chicken Soup For The Asshole illustrates the point from a different angle... I love the idea of following your bliss... But once again, flip it around cuz they got it ass-backwards... You do NOT need one more thing to scramble after!! The moment you stop chasing bliss it will come looking for you... Try it, thank me later!!

Now I wanna talk about the song a little... I wrote it in 2006, and by 2007 had music I was happy with... I played my Martin D-16 guitar on the track, and the bass line was my roommate at the time, Farko Dosumov... It is ironic that Farko played bass on this, since he would be like the poster boy for bliss... Half Uzbeki and half Russian, he literally won a lottery while in Uzbekistan, to become an American...

Farko is a whole story unto himself... He lives in the Seattle area, and has played with the likes of Dave Matthews, Zakir Hussein, Michael Shrive from Santana, and many more... So back when I lived with him, he would be playing bass all night with his headphones and wake me up... But as I would go to complain, he would get this big grin on his face and say, "Let's have a shot!" This always melted any animosity... I would say, "Well, I have to go build a deck in 3 hours, but sure!" I learned a lot about heart activities from Farko... Thanks for the bassline, it rules...

The video is footage from the Fremont Solstice Parade in Seattle, WA... I have become better at video editing since this... If anyone wanted to throw together a new video, just say you are following MY bliss, lol... I have one more song for you, about my life philosophy... It is almost like a book-end, as I only recorded a few songs after this one... I called 2013 back in 2012, but maybe I will change the name to Poor Man's Enlightenment... Yes! So here is that song... (Obviously it is me on bass, not Farko!)

So how could I get bored? Life is its own reward!!!! (That is the crux of the song!)

Please Upgroot me and Rescream this, so everyone can smile at the same time! We can tip the scales of optimism off the chart, and set up our world so that grumpy people have to pay more for stuff, since they take so much more... The happier you are, the freer everything is... Imagine Bernie Sanders on a unicorn donkey, holding a bong with rainbow smoke wafting from it... LOL!!! I will sell this for your bitcoins, when nobody wants them any longer... Come on, my FIAT bubble is as fake as your crypto bubble! Okay go smile...

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