Enjoy the beauty of the beach,esteem,indonesia,aceh

Hai, sahabat steemit dimana pun kalian berada.

Saya ingin membagi perjalanan saya kemarin,dengan suana adem adanya ombak laut begitu indah,dengan pemandangan begitu indah,walaupn sedikit mendung.

Tetapi tetap menikmati suana pantai yang ada diaceh utara,Tidak patah semangat saya dan kakak saya walaupn cuaca mendung.

Kami tetap menikmati sambilan bersantai di tempat yang empuk melihat suana laut begitu indah bersama kakak saya.

Saya merasa seperti dipantai bali ,karena ada di sediakan begitu mantap. Rupanya kami sedang menikmati pantai lancok bayu yang terbesar diaceh.

Dengan indahnya laut,kami berjalan dipnggir air laut sedang menikmati bahagianya hati saya,bisa bercanda tawa bersamamu kakaku.

Terimakasih kakaku telah membuat hati saya selalu bahagia kemarin sore.walaupun kakak diselah kesibukan masih ada waktu untuk menemani saya ke pantai.
Sekian saya membagi pengalaman perjalanan saya bersama kakak sepupu.@yantirahel

Hi, steemit friends wherever you are.

I wanted to share my journey yesterday, with the sweetness of the sea waves so beautiful, with such beautiful scenery, walaupn slightly overcast.
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But still enjoy the suana beach in the north diaceh, Not my spirit and my brother walaupn cloudy weather.
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We continued to enjoy relaxing sideways on the soft spot to see the sea so beautiful with my sister.
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I feel like on the beach of Bali, because there in provide so steady. Apparently we were enjoying the biggest lancok bayu beach diaceh.
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With the beauty of the sea, we walked dipnggir sea water was enjoying happy my heart, can joke laughter with you kakaku.
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Thank you kakaku has made my heart is always happy yesterday afternoon. Eventhough my brother was busy there is still time to accompany me to the beach.
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So much for sharing my experience with my cousin @ yantirahel.

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