The art of having a beautiful conversation on Encrypted Times ...

Today i've had another memory from my Past ... and i know, sometimes, most of the people are afraid to remember the Past ... not my case people ... you'll have the chance to ravel in Time and participate to this leadership conference.

Sometimes i wonder, where are those freely times in matter of concerts/artistic gatherings/studio sessions and like in our case now ... leadership/entrepreneurial conferences.

Here is a short memory about this awesome conference that happened more than one year ago ...

I was among awesome people like Alex Steele, who was the leader and coordinator of the jazzie quartet on which i've played, and Ferenc on drums and Mircea on the bass.

We had some cool time together playing some jazz. The whole idea was arround the jazz improvisation and how this phenomenon can be implemented in the corporatist spectrum.

We had some cool experiments through jazz and the participation of some future leaders from arround the world or even people, who already leaders in the corporational environment.

As you can see in the photo bellow, these were four of the experiments through jazz language and people were very enthusiastic:

Trust The art of having a beautiful conversation that from a jazzie perspective as improvisational instinct, will always be like " Yes, And..." instead "Yes, but..." :-)

Dealing with the unexpected, and as in jazz, you'll might be very sharp and opened to anny scenario and embrace it and transform it into something that will be a benefit for you, like as the quote says in jazz: "there are no wrong notes"

Cultivating a beginners mind, and to be always like the mind of a child, filled with 100 % of curiosity, exploring. Go of the expertise.

Practicing distributed leadership, and this was awesome to see for persons form the corporatist world, being behind the artists and through some very well determined signs on the shoulders, while we were playing, they could distribute the leadership between us, so you either could create a good environment for leadership, or a chaotic one.

As in jazz they say it's 95 % improvisation and 5 % theme/plan/strategy, maybe in the bussiness/entrepreneurists world, it's exactly the opposite, 95 % theme/plan/strategy and 5 % improvisation.

Maybe this would apply inside the cryptonian world as well, don't you think?

After all, this kind of experiments are very genuine, and thanks to Alex Steele, we can explore and always be like the childs with the beginners mind, paying attention to every impulse, being responsive to every sound, creating without questions mark, going of the expertise ... It was a grea adventure.

Here's me with my brother Alex Steele.

You'll find our project, "Our Tribe for Africa", through which i've initiated and created my utility #lnt and through which my goal was to help charity causes, like the one supported by Alex inside Uganda, and through the suppport that "i would have received from you people" for my music/art i could donate much more ... but as i've realized that this world ... maybe i should stop saying anything ...

Here's another new campaign on which, you'll might participate ...

Even if i'm very skeptical on the existent percentage of what once was called altruism ...

Enjoy your day cryptonians, and let's stay focused on the right notes we're picking up in our improvisations, and not just leaning on the fact that there are no wrong notes, cause in my opinion this might lead to another episode, named ... annything goes.

Maybe the future will proof a different approach on this new protocol ... of annything goes ... or this already was a trend until now??? :-)

Originally posted on My artistic perspectives on this New Cryptonian Planet. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.

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