For nobody is a secret what happens in Venezuela for more than 18 years, after the candidate Hugo Chávez won the elections with the majority of popular votes, Venezuela began to turn slowly with the air of communism and aspects of a Socialism that they called themselves SOCIALISM OF THE 21ST CENTURY. The years that I have lived mostly my adolescence I live Chavismo from a very young and in turn observe the various social changes that were generated by a leftist ideology that wanted to be implemented by the deceased President Chávez, to the followers of his party and to those who do not also; which he described as anti-patriots.


Venezuelan society is characterized by a very funny personality and a good sense of humor, for all foreigners who came to our country, said that here we could all do what we wanted, things as simple as drinking an alcoholic beverage in the street, or listen to music at full volume in your vehicle regardless of the imprudence that you were committing, among many other things. Chavismo planted its fort in low-income sectors or popular areas, providing missions or social plans that were of high benefit to these people, without any commitment to return or retribution to the state as a guarantee, apart from gaining more popularity by infinity of benefits, until they become THE MAINTEINS OF THE REVOLUTION. It is worth noting that the speech in various political meetings of the late president, generated some repudiation and hatred to anyone who did not support their governmental process was considered an enemy of the nation and at the same time an anti-patriot. When your president who represents your nation does not know how to behave politely, in situations of a minor and major nature, he does not care to offend any person; What is expected of those who follow this political figure? We call these people of low morals and respect for others MEDIOCRES OF THE 21ST CENTURY.

After all these years, the bad habits of the Venezuelan have increased by many variants one of them is subsistence. The economic sphere with an inflation that exceeds 1200%, has been one of the most relevant factors touched by corruption, its growth is increasing and at the same time indifferent to the government, social, family, educational. Chavista culture, is responsible for promoting hatred among the same people of this town that today they are indifferent needs and affections that another Venezuelan brother may have in their daily lives.

Why criticize the Venezuelan people themselves if you are Venezuelan?
To my point of view, more than a criticism must be a reflection, because we become patriotic when we miss our land, when we lack our daily routines with our circles of friends, gastronomy, family and especially that in our country Venezuela is can do what we want at the time that pleases us most. When stepping overseas we miss the basics and simple as are the rules of good citizens, to see that in other countries the seat belt is a necessary requirement and punishable by traffic laws if you wear it, know that you can not consume drinks alcoholic in any public place, among those many more things ... if we go but there has to be a political problem, more than always blaming chavismo and Maduro, this would be a social problem, a problem of social discipline that every government before the Chavismo had to strengthen the social conglomerate, to try to strengthen all those important potholes, that nowadays we see them as necessary as are the moral values that an individual must have, be it Venezuelan, Colombian, terrestrial, human or whatever you want to call it.

If our formation does not change, we will always be the same and we will continue to see ourselves in limbo as we are at this moment, a strong political, social and humanitarian crisis, wanting your country does not begin by placing a tricolor cap and a wine shirt red, when you fervently want your country help your neighbor without thinking about taking a picture with the homeless person who gives him a lunch, the good Venezuelan does not sell or resell a product to a person who really needs it, the good citizen buys his ticket of metro so to try to meet a standard that in any other country is normal, the good human being will place the post to the pregnant woman and the elderly without internally reproach the action we are doing.

If we really want a new Venezuela, we must change as people, raise awareness of the human side of our society and little by little we will see results, just keep in mind the influence of Chavism got quite a lot of weight in this big problem that we face, but this matter of drag It came from times before it. If we join forces we will obtain results knowing that everything starts from our homes. "A tree does not create mountains ..."

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