FROM THE BURKA TO THE LIGHT (Chapter 2, part 2)


And while the speaker was talking, she looked through each one of the attractive features of the handsome young man, remaining completely in love with him. At the end of the meeting the tension dissipated, everyone greeted each other and presented cordially in the middle of the comments about the funny incident.

—Don't get sick Miss Gaga- said the engineer, observing his cheeks of an intense pink color- Actually his intervention relaxed the tension a bit, and his presence and aroma made us all happy. Did you know that in my land there is a flower with an exquisite aroma, very similar to its perfume? -

—Oh! No, i did not know. She said, blushing even more.

—You are right. It's called gaga.

— Ah! That's why the name by which he called me. "However ..." he continued, "you must compensate me for interrupting me.

Teresa felt confused, she did not know what to think. The gentleman must have noticed his agitation, because he hastened to clarify that it was not a dishonest or indecent proposal.

—I just want you to accept an invitation to dinner, right here, at this wonderful hotel. What do you think about tonight? - Clear! Of course yes. She said more calmly

— Where should I go to pick it up? Or do you stay here?

—No, I'm staying around here, with other colleagues. But there's no problem, I get here to ... Does it seem right at 7:30 p.m.?

— It seems perfect! I'm waiting for you at the reception. -Putualized him with a big smile.

And he escorted her out of the hotel, watching her walk down the sidewalk, until he lost sight of her when he turned the corner. Immediately, he signaled to one of the men who accompanied him, who went after the girl.

She, on the other hand, could not remove from her mind all that experience, which was as unexpected as it was fun. On the other hand, she was worried about what would happen as a result of having missed her dissertation. So absorbed was she in her thoughts, that she did not even realize that a man was following her. As it also went unnoticed the beautiful city landscape of the beautiful Adana, the host city of the congresses. When the girl entered her lodging, the man returned to the hotel to inform his employer about the shelter where she was.

Minutes later, already in her room at the guest house, meeting with her colleagues, Dr. explained what had happened.

—Don't worry, you've always been very responsible. Something like this never happened to you. Surely they will give you another opportunity to present the project, do not worry anymore. Better concentrate on your date for this night, "suggested one of her companions, while the others joined the lively talk, giving suggestions on how to dress and groom.

Suddenly they knock on the door, and all of them look at each other.

— Did someone ask for something? — They all shook their heads. They kept insisting with stronger blows. Teresa got up from the bed where she was sitting very lightly, and went to the door with the intention of opening. —Be careful! - warns one of her friends.

With great caution he turns the knob of the door and pulls it ... and what is his surprise, when opening, in front of it there is a huge bouquet of red roses, and behind them a little man announcing loudly and with fatigue:

—Flowers for Miss Gaga! — All the girls got up and went to help load the spectacular gift. After closing the door, Teresa began to sneeze uncontrollably.

— What's wrong? -They Asked

— He has! It's nothing, just a terrible allergy to roses, which is fixed by putting them here. - He said this while putting the roses in a plastic bag and climbing to a chair to hang them in a window.

Continue next Monday ...

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