Law of karma

Hello everyone, friends of steemit, this time I would like to talk to you about a very important and special topic, that we want or not always present in our lives, this is the law of karma.(English version of my own publication, translated thanks to google.)

What is Karma?

Karma is a Buddhist action, which is rooted in its millenary culture, the word karma which means "action" and refers mainly to our mental, verbal and physical actions, and this refers to our experiences in life being their effects. The law of karma says that each individual has a physical appearance, mental disposition and unique experiences, and these are effects of the countless actions that each one has carried out throughout life, since there are not two people who have performed the same actions in past lives.


This means that we ourselves are responsible for the things or actions that we suffer in our lives, because as a saying widely used in popular jargon says "act bad and you will be bad, act well and triumphs", this tells us that Every action or reaction that occurs throughout life is provided by a past action, as well as the result of karma, we are reborn in this impure world, having problems and difficulties without ceasing. Our actions are impure because our mind is contaminated with the internal poison of self-grasping, so this is the main reason, that we live experiencing suffering throughout life.

These actions are caused by our own mental disturbances, such as attachment, hatred, envy, arrogance, ignorance and self-grasping. So when we eliminate these bad actions from our minds and we will be pure, and as results all things, experiences, our world and enjoy that we will live from then on will be better, in this way we will have the total happiness of the mind.

Not everything in karma is bad, I bring you a story that I had the opportunity to know thanks to an internet web portal, which says a lot about karma.

A vagabond woke up one morning, finding a very expensive engagement ring in his begging pot, many would think that he could have kept the ring, and so sell it to be able to have a lot of money, but it was not like that, he just saw that ring there, he set out to find the person who dropped him there by accident, to return it, thanks to this action the world organized to get him a home, repaired his bicycle and received more than $ 100,000 donation.

So, friends, act in a good way because the result will be wonderful and magnificent.

"We have learned to fly like birds, to swim like fish, but we have not learned the art of living as brothers" Martin Luther King

I want to take the opportunity to send a greeting to those people who through this platform make the world a better place, especially our beautiful Venezuela, such as @anomadsoul, @schamangerbert, @abigial-dantes, @moisemcardona, @anomadsoul, @elteamgordo , @hr1 and also for the teams @cervantes, @votovzla, @reveur.

And also to these wonderful Venezuelan people who always contribute their bit to help others like @ropavejero, @crisangel, @luis07, @jayoxaju, @javisem, @dayhanara and @rataelamor.

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