Psychiatric Hospital of San Rafael Story

The San Rafael psychiatric hospital in Mexico City was founded in the 1940s by the religious of San Juan de Dios, whose objective was to treat people with mental problems, unfortunately their methods to determine if someone was sick or not, were not correct, because it was enough for a family member to accuse another person of being crazy, so that without prior investigation, they would lock him against his will and give them electroshock therapy, always under the symbol of the cross.

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It was said that in the asylum could be fixed broken people, so people sent without hesitation to their relatives, whose behavior was not right for them, regardless of whether it was a mental problem or not.

One of the most notorious cases, was that of Mario Cantú, a young man who when he turned 18 wanted to leave his house to become independent, as his mother did not agree, she called the asylum and explained what was happening, so One night while he was asleep, five nurses broke into his room, sedated him and when he woke up Mario was trapped in an asylum; For 18 days he was subjected to inhuman treatment, as he was given intense electroshock sessions to the point that he no longer remembered who he was and his emotions had been extinguished; Mario says that if the other patients did not cooperate in their therapies, they threatened to lock them up forever or practice a lobotomy.

It is said that other unorthodox methods of religious, were the exorcisms, because they thought that the madness of some of their patients, was because they had been possessed by demons.

It was not only humans who caused the suffering of many of the patients, but also supernatural forces that tormented them, as it is said that a shadow wandered through the corridors of the clinic, entered the rooms of the "sick" and sat next to them in bed.

One of the terrifying stories that marked the psychiatric hospital with blood, was when a mother and her son went to visit one of their relatives, when suddenly another of the patients killed the child, and then took his bloodied corpse to the chapel.

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In 2009 the clinic was closed and then demolished to make a shopping center, but not before a film was made based on the suffering and dark energy that was inside its walls. The film "Archivo 253" was filmed in the abandoned asylum, its actors and the team behind the scenes, assure that paranormal activity took place in the place, since things moved autonomously from their place, and that a monk appeared with sinister intentions.

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