Adventure in the dragon's lair

There were once two young adventurers who roamed the world looking for treasures, saving people in danger and rescuing lost children.

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Malcolm, the biggest and strongest of the two, was the one who always kept the best prizes, ate the best food, drank the best drink and rested in the best bed. Elián, the youngest, had to settle for what his partner left him.

However, when it came to fighting or facing danger, it was Elián who launched first. Malcom, who was bigger and stronger, waited for the final moment to finish the job and take away the glory. And so he remained as the bravest and everyone praised him.

Over time, Malcolm began to take the pleasure of boasting muscles and showing off waiting for his time. Meanwhile, Elián was getting stronger and more skillful while his partner lost faculties.

One day, Malcolm and Elián heard that an evil dragon had kidnapped the king's twin sons, a boy and a young girl. They were two days away from the thief's lair, but nothing prevented them from riding restlessly there to rescue the twins.

When they were about to arrive, Malcolm told Elián:

-Comrade, we have never faced such a feat. However, I believe that the strategy we have followed so far will serve us well. You will enter first. The dragon will see you young and think that you are easy to beat. When you have tired enough, I will enter, when I least expect it, I will help you to finish it.

-I think we should think about something else this time, "Elián said. We have never fought a dragon.

-Do you think that you will not be able to tire him for a while? Malcolm asked.

-It's not that, "Elián said. I'll also get tired of him. What will happen if you arrive and can not be with him? I may be too exhausted to help you.

"I'll be able to do it with him, do not doubt it, and I could have three more like him," Malcolm said.

A Elián had no choice but to accept. They were already arriving and had to prepare to face the dragon alone .

Elián entered the lair of the beast stealthily, untied the children and told them to flee. But just at that moment he was surprised by the dragon, which was placed in the only access to the cave to prevent them from fleeing.

-Escondida, children, fast! said Elián, as he drew his sword.

Elian and the dragon fought for hours. But as the dragon did not move from the access to his lair Malcolm could not enter to help his companion.

-Catch it, make it go to you! shouted the people who had gathered to see the fight.


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But Malcolm was so afraid that he remained paralyzed in his usual cocky pose, but with a scary face that made him feel sorry.

After several hours Elian fell exhausted. The dragon saw the moment to finish him and, forgetting that he had to protect the entrance, he approached Elián to eat it in one bite.

The children, who did not want the dragon to end the brave boy, ran out of hiding to distract him and get him out of the lair.

The dragon, seeing them flee, lost interest in eating Elián to catch the children. Upon leaving, the dragon found the great Malcolm there planted, paralyzed by fear, drenched in sweat.

The dragon stood in front of Malcolm and smelled it. Nothing opens the appetite of a dragon more than the smell of fear.

The dragon opened its mouth and, just as it was going to launch itself against Malcolm, a shield was stuck between the tongue and the palate. Elián had managed to reach him crawling and had saved his partner at the last moment.

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Since then it is Elián who makes the plans and who directs the expeditions. Although let Malcolm continue to finish the adventures in exchange for sharing the prizes equally and do not stay with all the glory.

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