My Discs Are Fashionable. 😀 🎵 🎵 📀 📼 🎵 🎵

I have saved some vinyls, a year ago cleaning I did not know where to put them but I did not want to throw them away, they bring back many memories and suddenly I realize that my old friends are coming back to life, they are selling them and even the sound equipment or turntables are also being revalued, I thought it should be because of the crisis in our country with so much garage sale, but doing a little research in the press and talking with some friends who live in other countries have told me that they are selling like hot cakes .



For me it was very sad when they stopped selling pasta discs, but there was no way to adapt to progress, but now big music empires like Sony, Philips, EMI among others and smaller companies located in Holland, Germany, Argentina and other countries. they begin to produce acetates or Lp as they prefer to call them. Do not think that you only get titles from artists or old groups, you also get recent productions like Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift among others.



It is giving the phenomenon of those who lived that time and we want to remember times gone and young people who want to experience having a Lp in their hands.



Sales are very high especially in Japan and England followed by the United States, France and Germany, this wave brought as a consequence that even the cassette is back and therefore the musical players not only old but some created in new format by the Sony among other. The nostalgia revives some elements written off for some time, maybe it is the desire to have more closeness with people and things feel, smell and play an album is a fantastic experience.



I hope you liked it, be happy, I apologize for the translation I did with the Google translator, thank you.

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