Habana Cosplay DC comics photoshoot

This is one of my lasts works in Cuba with my crew Habana Cosplay. Photos made by our friend Rafael "Dreamer" from N1cks magazine. Enjoy:

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We had so much fun in a big villains & superhero's party. I wore my favorite cosplay Harley Quinn, takind advantage of my hair back then y didn't use the hoodie. My friends from Habana Cosplay where Dianelis as Joker's fem version, Luis Daniel as Ridler, Ariel as Penguin, Tania as Poison Ivy, Patricia (alias Rukia) as Wonder Woman.

Follow us for more info and pics https://www.facebook.com/HabanaCosplay

I hope you find the photos fun and interesting! As always I also share the original characters. Regards and thanks for your time, votes and opinions.

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