(VOLUME) THE-BOY CAP.10 The rigorous training (dog style).


It had been a year since the boy started training and already had great results, but it was just the beginning, the second training will be more complicated.

_ Well boy, you managed to pass the first training, it's time to continue.

_ I'm ready for whatever dog teacher is.

_ I'm glad you say that, come closer.

The confident boy approaches him and with his mind HANKI ties the boy with his arms and blindfolds him.

_ What happens? I do not understand.

_ Well boy, I explain the following training.

The balance of humans is based on: two legs, the muscles of the abdomen and their arms. And they don't possess a danger instinct.

_ Run the 2000 km free mind again, but this time you can do it normally only with your arms tied and blindfolded, this way you will get what you need.

_ Well, master, I can do it, but first, don't forget to tell me something.

_ Hahaha I see that in this year that happened you know me more.

_ This time the road is full of traps and there are wild animals and maybe a dragon appears.

_ Ha that laughs teacher, well I'm going to train.

_ Remember the lizards and abs.

The boy's second test or training began and this time he was much stronger, running for a year 2000 km with his arms tied and his eyes bandaged.

In the first months the boy was hit by trunks and attacked by hungry animals.

While tonel and danae continued with their journey, danae had a hard time memorizing the places that tonel selected for transportation, so they had to travel back to the site to remember it, danae didn't have it easy either.

_ Boy, danae is working hard, I hope that when they meet again you are already a great dog-style fighter.

The boy kept running, in that some men walked through the place marked by lumer to the boy, they were thieves who had sneaked into the forest, the boy heard their voices but did not know where they were standing.

_ Fence, fence look what we have here, an easy dam, well guys surround it.

All the men that were there were twenty, surround the boy and begin to hit him from all directions, the boy without being able to do anything loses his calm.

_ Master, what do I do not know where they attack me.

_ Focus boy, if you know what happened is that you are so focused on listening to it and knowing where they are that you do not trust your instinct, be calm relax and let your body move alone.

The boy without saying a word relaxed his body completely and after a few seconds he began to see silhouettes in his head that told him where the attacks came from avoiding them without any problem. The boy stayed dodging attack after more than an hour, the thieves are already tired and one set out to activate his HANKI but before he could do it already all his companions were on the ground and the next one would be him, continuing his way and dodging with great ease to the animals but the trees and trunks still beat them.

_ I can dodge all the animals but trees and stones I can't.

_ You can't imagine why boy.

_ No, I have no idea.

_ Well I explain, put yourself in front of that tree and before the tree attacks you, attack it.

_ What, like a tree will attack me?

_ There is your answer.

Of course, an object that does not intend to abide by me cannot see it.

_ Well, then I must be relaxed so as not to receive an attack.

The boy tried what he was thinking and so I could evade trees and rocks, but a tiger managed to hurt him on the right arm.

_ What happened?

_ Find balance, keep your mind at peace but your body ready to fight.

_ This guy is very strong I want to see what will happen next year.

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