
Do you know what I liked to do? I loved to breathe the fresh air in the mornings, go for a walk with my beautiful wife, I liked her morning coffee and her tender kiss of good morning.

Now I just have to be here seeing everyone crying for me, seeing my beautiful wife with dark circles and swollen eyes, her hands already stained by the makeup that she was slowly removing for each pass she made to clean herself.

I miss them, I miss them and I have them in front of me, but it hurts, they only see my inert body lying in a wooden box, soon they will not do it, soon all that will go away and their memories will vanish, soon I, soon I "OH GOD" soon I will not exist anymore.

Hers memory is what keeps me that way, a week has passed and I see that my friends are very senile and can't remember, and my acquaintances that once we got to have a tea in the street they forgot me long ago, my distant relatives did not even know of my existence after being born, at most, they had a vague reference of me.

I feel that I weaken, I feel that I experienced this, of course, if I did, just at the time of death, without wanting to express myself with shame, cursed death, his vile and twisted plan was to get away from everything I loved most, my family so happy and my friends so united, of my life as a right man without any crime punishable by law, I just wanted to go back, but I knew I could never do it again.

More than four, five years have passed? I see that my strength was scarce, I could not continue like this, I could only lay down inexistently in that bed that I shared with my sweet wife, she and my son still reminded me, but how long would it last? She already had more than eighty and my son already with family, and soon that family was going to have his own family, I could not meet my granddaughter and less to her fiancé, I could only live my life telling her in a very small fragment. Brazen I was, brazen all my life, I could have spent more time with my loved ones, but the work consumed me, I only lived to work I worked almost until the time of my death.

But I do not think I was the brazen in itself, my boss had no soul and squeezed the others, he was cruel and did not approve or reward his most loyal employees, and much less those who worked in lesser positions. He stole a lot from my life.

But to complain day after day would only make me poison my soul with a dirty feeling of repudiation towards everything, and I did not want that, I did not want to, and even less to have my wife keeping me here. I will do everything for her, I did everything for her, and she is what has kept me in my senses and makes me feel that way, she is everything to me. My wife more than a sun, she is the whole galaxy.

"Oh my love, were you here all the time?" I hear from afar and I turn around, it was my very nice wife walking towards me, "How long did I stay without paying attention?", a couple of moments ago I saw you in the park giving food to the ducks in the pond ... My impression was obvious, but his response impressed me much more.

"Oh my beautiful husband, it's been 7 years of that, I had not been to a park since that day, then my legs started to fail and very soon I could not walk, then they came to take care of me and already of time my weak body could not resist anymore."

"Heavens, that's sad my love"

"Do not feel bad for me, I'm happier than ever, I've recovered my strength and I found you, my love"

** "I've always been waiting for you, but I never wanted you to feel the same loneliness I did when I got here"**

"On the contrary, thanks to you, I will never be alone again, you are what fills me, you are the only thing that would make me feel safe and accompanied, you are my companion forever."

We both held hands and looked at each other, our look very sweet and sincere, we both missed each other, we were now together once again, now and always we will be.

We hugged and kissed, then we felt that we rejuvenated little by little, our wrinkles and gray hair was gone and we had a nice youthful body, we just closed our eyes, we held hands and smiled, and we could feel like we no longer had a body , we knew that we were two souls who would become one, and so it was, we united and disappeared together, together forever.



Give love to whoever deserves it, because by dying that is what keeps us together with memories. @mochirg

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