Another Apocalyptic Story - Chapter 05


"Another Apocalyptic Story"
"For me, for my friends, for anyone interested in reading it. Nothing special, just a hobby."

  • AldhaRoku



I woke up and looked at the clock that I had taken from the man's body, I could see that it was four past eight in the morning, the sun was not going to leave for a few hours, and although with a frown, I felt protected being on that last floor.

I was hungry and a part of me wanted to force myself to endure, but when I started to hear my stomach roar and feel like a stab in it I could not stand, I opened the bag and checked that I had over there. There was a bale of rice, a bale of spaghetti, wheat flour and the more I looked the more I got, << How the hell would you cook that under these conditions? >> I had forgotten that the canned ones were in the upper pocket of the bag. I had tuna, sardines, and a lot of vegetables, great complements I did not have, but I would grab a can of tuna and a can of black beans and with that my stomach would be relieved.

  • Shit, I left the can opener, what an asshole.

I said softly. So I grabbed the knife that the day before was stuck in Lucas's head and I used it to open my cans, << Bon appétit >>.

I was licking my dirty fingers of leftover food from the can when I could see a walking entity in front of me, << Where did that shit come from? >> I thought. Because of his bloody clothes and so archaic way of walking, even in the dark of dawn it could be distinguished that this thing was one of the perpetrators, he had only two bullets in a pistol he had never shot and a knife with the dirty tip of his face. It was still technically at night and I did not want to get more evidence about my hypothesis of the behavior of those things. I lay down next to the wall, protected only by an inflatable castle, I lowered my breathing as far as I could and had so little courage to make noise that I stayed with the knife in my right hand.

That thing there stayed a while, it would be just a little more than a minute, but for me that moment, hard fucking eternity, until a shot was heard in the distance, the creature began to move its head and was altered, low as a madman down the broken escalator << The only one with the free passage and where I lower the four bodies >> I did not see well, but I can assure you that the stupid beast fell, << What are only three floors? >> I was normalizing my breathing when the shots returned again, now they were in a burst, it was not shrapnel, it could be distinguished that they were from a pistol, but I was not going to leave my position until the sun came out, which is why I did not shoot the zombie in front. << And if there are more hanging around the floor? >> So I waited.

Six-thirty in the morning, I grabbed my purse, put the gun in my pants, right side, and with the knife in my hand I would go out again to look for my comrades. But first, I had to see how that bastard arrived there, all the entrances to the upper floor were uncovered, but from the bottom to the bottom they were sealed, he was looking for me to find that the left corridor before the food fair was discovered, but not always, before it was well sealed, << I had made sure >>, and seeing the scratches, and the disaster I could see that that thing had taken them by force, then I could think of two theories, the first is that those things at night are horribly strong, perhaps more than a normal human, and the second is that maybe the zombies are not as stupid as they used to be. Going down I could see that he did the same with another the main left entrance. << The idiot was me for thinking that a mall with its doors shattered and open to the public could be safe >> .

  • Good thing I did not get the boys; I was going to bring them for this trap.

I told myself. And my search continued.

I went through the center from end to end, I'm stubborn, I went through screaming in search of someone to answer me, I got nothing. Arriving at the Ayacucho Park I came across something unusual, I was a woman asking for help, I seemed to be very sorry and I actually went to see where I could help her, << the world will be running out, but the courtesy should not disappear >>.

When I approached the woman began to talk about all the terrible things that had happened since everything began. I did not realize that I was being distracted from her husband. Behind me appeared a black man with white trench coat and secondhand green tattoos, << The picture of a malefactor >> He was pointing a gun at me and asked me for everything he had.

The woman was also a pile because in my surprise I snatched the knife from her hands. I tried to negotiate with him, but he did not bend, as if it was not enough, he had the whore who tried to help by stoking the flames with his annoying street tone. The man was going to give me a slap and I took advantage when I raise my arm to start running, the guy was furious and started throwing shots at me, I do not know any, but one of them grazed my leg. I hid in the corner of a nearby store and I could see that despite being a rose my pants were staining with blood, my breathing was brutal, my brain tried to assimilate the scene to the damn speed of light and suddenly only I thought about an escape, they had not seen the gun that was stored in my pants, the shirt hid it quite well, my hands trembled but I took it, I removed the safety and I waited in that corner pointing, when someone looked out I closed my eyes and I gritted my teeth, fired.

After hearing the sound of the shot I opened my eyes, I had put the bullet between the eyebrows to that woman who fell collapsed on the floor with her eyes open and a smile, she was clinging to the knife as if they were one. I looked out, and when the man saw in the distance that he had a gun in my hands, he ran out and got on a motorcycle that was ahead of him. << malefactor of shit >> I could hear that the bastard was cursing me and expelled rudeness from that anus that I called mouth, but I did not distinguish them, my tension had gone down and I was retching, so I laid on the same wall where I killed her, there was that bitch still retaining that smile, I opened her hand, she squeezed the knife with a huge force << Did she get stiff? >> I thought, the fingers rang, I think I broke one or two to get the knife.

  • No more shits.

I told myself. I had a sad bullet in the gun, a knife of no more than twenty-five centimeters and I made a decision that was good or bad, I just took it to be safe, I was going to go to my house in Bolivariano. There were zombies in the neighborhoods and judging by the method that they used recently with me of the bait and the mouse, I noticed that he was not the only one that knew about the passive of those monsters during the day. I had a route if not very long, my right leg was bleeding, not much, but it was significant, I tied my leg right in the wound with a piece of my shirt waiting for that to stop bleeding and I left.

I was dying of thirst, my mouth was drier than my ass, I had entered through the bars to the Guaquerí park but the filters did not work, I saw only dismembered bodies along the way, congenic in the distance, cars crashed, mate on the way to five of them, I was less tried to kill them than to run, when I passed by the bakery "La Mansion del Pan" That shit was the same as the UNICASA, Starry windows, empty until I could not, check it and check from head to toe, there was a zombie who was an old man << He was slow with balls, not to mention the decrepit, he looked like a zombie of George A. Romero >> He just hit a knife in the temple.

My mouth was sticky when it occurred to me to look in the container. And there between papers and garbage I could see a two-liter jug of milk thrown away, before I read it and I noticed because it was there, it had more than nine days since it expired, and simply:

  • So give me the diarrhea of my life.

I said before I swallowed half a gallon, I knew a bit of cheese, and I had lumps, but that expired milk was the best thing that could have happened to me all day. She was panting and packing what was left in her purse, the purse for which she ended up killing a woman. I walked and walked, my leg felt a little better even though I had degenerated into an annoying twinge every time I took a step. And eventually I'll get to Bolivariano.

Three and twenty, the neighborhood looked the same as always, well, maybe one or two dead who were not there before << Ha. >> A zombie approached me in a frantic way and I just looked at him while he was fed up, I keyed the knife with such force that only the handle was visible and I took it out, I started to stab his face with such force and with so many repetitions he seemed to enjoy it, maybe he was releasing stress or maybe he did not want to think about what he had in his head << How will my parents and my little brother be? >> .

My house was just in front and I stopped stabbing the body, I walked slowly and opened the bars, I went up the stairs and with my keys that I still had I opened the padlock to pull the gate. The first thing I saw when I came in was my mother's body lying next to the hose. His back was completely food and parts of his legs and arms. I did not make any expression, my face reflected pain, but I did not feel like it, it was as if you would not care anymore, or maybe as if I was already used to, at the time I also thought that maybe all my friends and my girlfriend were just like my mother, I did not care either, I sat on the wall of the entrance, not before taking the gun out of my pants.

I heard screams inside the house, grunts to be more exact. And from the entrance Dad came out, he looked decrepit, his dirty skin and blood-stained pus, he looked quite skinny, his eyes red as if the veins of them had been broken, he threw himself at me and I just raised the gun and I fired. The body fell right in front of me and his bloody head hit the step where my feet rested. I spent some time there, meditating with my head against the wall as if I were a melancholy and ugly man recently left by his wife.

I got up and walked into the house, I left the knife outside, I did not care. I opened the door of the first room << my little brother's room >>, the door was broken, for a moment I got to thinking that the insurance would continue, when I entered his room his little blue room was stained of red and his body was more of a skeleton than anything else. My eyes showed again the expression I had when seeing my mother and my father, I could see it in the starry mirror in front of me. I closed the door and went upstairs, smelly of shit, as dry as a raisin and without hope that tomorrow would be better, I threw myself into my bed and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.

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Original Story @AldhaRoku
Correction and Embellishment @MochiRG
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