Another Apocalyptic History - Chapter 06


"For me, for my friends, for anyone interested in reading it.
Nothing special, just a hobby. "

  • AldhaRoku



I opened my eyes and it was night, I sleep on my stomach so I could smell my armpit << What fucking disgust! >>, it smelled almost as good as the garbage on the street, the combination of blood, dirt and grime gave the product a peculiarly nauseating smell, so what I took my towel I undressed and left the room, from my position on the floor of At the top of the house I could see how those idiots smelled me or somehow I knew I was there, << Remember what I did to your friend early? >> I thought, I saw how they got upset and ran in circles and although I felt a bit sorry, I'm a son of a bitch and I started laughing, not loudly of course, but I laughed at his pathetic existence, so I continued with my I walked in the dark, down to the floor below, and closed the front door without making any loud noise, was now protected by a meter and a half high, the gate and the main door << Neither the Tukkis have been able to enter >>.

I went to the kitchen and gave thanks for having such a good view at night, using the touch and forcing my sight with the candles and the tinderbox, I turned it on and now if I could take a bath, I went to the shower and opened it, the candle lit over the toilet lid, the water took a little, it seemed like it had not opened for days, but eventually it came out, even in the low light of the candle I could see that the water was beautiful, I got in and bathed gloriously , the water was somewhat cold, but it was worth it, I felt like the dirt was leaving and even seeing the porcelain floor I could see how black, brown and reddish colors came out of me. << If something good comes out in these situations, it is that you learn to enjoy the simple things of life better >>.

After that big bath I did not know what to do and it was barely eightteen so I went straight to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, at the top door where we kept chicken, meat or fish, it was rotten, it was not a vomitive stench, but certainly everything was spoiled, it was obvious, << Who knows how many days without that refrigerator light? >> At least at the bottom door I could see with the candle that all was well, the ham had snoozed, but nothing else, all the other food was in good condition. I grabbed a pot and filled it with water, set it on fire and in the meantime I started to chop chili peppers, onions and peppers. I would not have chicken or meat, but who knows how to cook solves with anything, I made a stew of corn, potatoes and carrots in red sauce with spaghetti, I mixed everything in the same pot where I made the stew and there I ate, I was a lonely man in the darkness of the night with a candle illuminating his face while eating pasta. << Almost poetic >>.

The sun directly illuminated my face so I evidently woke up, I do not know what time I had fallen asleep the day before, but I know that after eating, I started to draw, I had to spend about three hours drawing because I did not elaborate. Then I sat down to write, it's funny because I wrote about zombies in the middle of this shit, my spirits were so low that I did not even want a straw. << Sin Joda >> I missed my friends, I missed the club, I missed my Maria. Perhaps it was the melancholy of thinking about them that caused him to eventually fall asleep.

The morning had begun and it was an undeniable fact, so I started the same by taking a good bath, I put on clean clothes and started looking around the house, looking for weapons, something to defend myself, just that, and I only thought of two elements , the first thing is that I went to my little brother's room, there dad kept his aluminum bat from when he played in baseball, the other was the mask, in the old fret boxes on the floor above he remembered perfectly that there was a mask on perfect condition, so look until I found the same and smiled. << I felt ready >>. I did not feel comfortable using a bat << It's not exactly my style >> but it's what I had when I suddenly remembered something.

  • The machete!

I searched the kitchen, my parents' room and hidden in a shelf was there, the old machete, it was more a piece of rusty and dull metal, but it was more like my style << I mean, it's not a Katana, but it would serve >>. I grabbed the bag and left only a few cans, and a half bag of cereal, I filled a bottle of soda with water and put it there too, inside a bag I put gauze, cotton, hydrogen peroxide and other utensils of this type.

I was ready, I would not return if I did not find my people. I had the bat in my hands, a knife tied to my right leg, a machete placed archaically as if it were a sword on my back, a baseball mask, my backpack and a lot of duct tape covering my arms, I put my keys in my pants and I left the house. Right at the entrance was one of those shits trying to enter through the gate

  • Ah, did you know I was here, right?

I said to the comegent, then I squeezed the bat hard and hit him so hard against his forehead that I opened a huge cuckoo on his head, fell to the ground immediately. << It's true what they say, an armed man squanders confidence >> I went whistling quietly through the streets hitting everything that came near me until I got bored of using the bat, I thought it would be more fun with machete so I actually saved the Beat to use the machete. Right out of Bolivariano one turned to see me and entered his predictable Berseker mode, ran frantically towards me and put me in position, I squeezed the handle with all my strength and when I reach the point of rank I launched to cut the neck. I did not manage to cut off his head, but I cut him more than half and I left him hanging, eventually the beast fell, and I continued my way whistling.

I had been walking about 20 minutes since I left my house and it was beyond Villa Venecia. When a car passed by me, it was a man in his fifties I would say, he drove a Malibu Clasic and although hesitate I eventually accepted the tail, before mounting I asked for a condition and it was that I would check the back seats, it was incredible, but I I had become even more suspicious than before, I could see that there was nothing weird but food, lots of food, and then I got into the car, sat in the front seat so as not to scare or mistrust the man.

  • Where are you going?

Said the old man.

  • I am looking for someone, to be precise to some.

  • Well, you will understand that for how things are getting them safe and sound would be a miracle right?

The old man said and he was right.

  • Indeed, but until I have the bodies in my hands I will not stop looking.

I looked out the window at the landscape.

  • Hope my friend, hope, do not let him die, I lost it when I saw my daughter eat my wife, I wanted to kill myself I tell you. But I did not, and I understood my purpose.

  • His purpose?


  • Do you know Makro? There I started a kind of refuge, boys, girls, men and women, even pets, I have taken many there, are you sure and you wonder why so much food? Well they are for those people, The store is full of food, but I always carry more, you know there are today, but maybe not tomorrow.

  • And ... How many survivors are there?

I asked for.

  • We are not many, about fifty or sixty without counting the pets clear hahaha ...

The car stopped by the theater and before getting off the man said to me.

  • You know, friend? Humans are selfish, when we believe we lose everything we want to end our existence and we never think that our existence is necessary for other people. That's why, son, whatever happens do not fall and do not do crazy, and survive. You can come to Makro whenever you want, you will be welcome, you and your friends if you find them.

And after those strong words that great man left.

I followed my search and started the theater, the main entrance was open so I did not have to do anything. I entered stealthily and holding the machete, with my mask well placed, I entered the dark theater, I wandered and walked, I do not know if it was very lucky or bad luck that there was nothing, not a comegent, it was completely empty.

  • Tsss ...

I left there and looked over the nearby places, skirts, liquor stores, shops, buildings, all while hitting repetitive cries calling them. Some comegentes in the round saw me and came towards me, but I received them with machetes, knives and blows.


I screamed at the top of my lungs. When in the distance I saw something, someone moved inside a bus, it was big, it was fat, I started running towards that abandoned bus that covered the intersection of the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho museum and the closer I got, the more accurate my suspicions were.

  • Hector!

I cried out loudly. And when he got to the bus there he was, his lips were dry and broken, he looked dead and he had flies flying over his face. I looked down and there was a comegente at his side, he was dead, he had a hairpin stuck in his eye, I could tell he had ripped a piece off his right arm, so without wasting any more time I grabbed some water and throw a jet in the face. The bastard started coughing and hyperventilating.

  • Am I dead?

He said moribund.

  • Of course you are imbecile, haha ​​...

I told him and I started to laugh by his side.

After Hector recovered when I drink water, he ate something and I asked him to tell me what happened, so he started talking.

  • After you went out to Maria's house. The next to leave were Elio and Songer, I do not know where they went, they just said that I was going to see how Mom was doing. Then they went Vero and Edinson, Hernán and Yue wanted to go, but the boys did not let them go because of the condition in which Hernán was, his leg, you will understand. The rest of us stayed, the little one, I think his name was Joan was with Hernán and supporting Megan, he was the one who kept the team firm. Maria was very worried, and her Prima by her side did not know how to encourage her. The point is that the hours passed and you did not appear, we did not want to think about anything, but at least I thought you were dead. Maria stopped seeing the window where she was waiting for you and she became very serious, she went to comfort Kyoko, who was in a very delicate situation, it seemed that at any moment she was going to explode, finally it got dark and we ate something, I think that was a rice with butter and chicken threads what we did, the rice burned, but we did not give importance. At night while we were sleeping we heard screams were from this girl ... The one who was with Nelson, Diana! She had Lucas on top, when we woke up, some like Nelson, Kamui, Joan and Kenyi went to see what happened. He was fat and strong so you will understand that it was not easy to remove him, Maria and the others had woken up so you will imagine his face to see that his friend was with jugular and part of his face completely shattered and with Lucas eating his entrails, the Diana's body was still trembling, it was horrible, I even went into vomit, beat Lucas but it looked like a frenzied beast, everything was chaos and Lucas bit Nelson in the hand and shouted at us to run, Angel led and we opened the door, We could hear that inside the rooms of the neighbors there had been a chaos too, while we went down, we saw that from some places those things came out and we ran, we ended up going out and running without destination. It seems that Lucas was infected, they bit him at some point and he did not say anything, bit?

Apparently Hector stopped telling me and began to hyperventilate while sobbing.

  • Héctor What else happened? What else happened?!

I demanded answers.

  • Aldha They bit me, they bit me, I'll end up like ...

Before I finished his sentence I gave him a cachetón so he could calm down

  • The bite does not do anything Hector, it is not a virus.

  • But? ... Lucas, him.

  • Lucas did not have any bites Hector! Also, how much time do you have with that bite? Eight hours, One day?


  • One day and a few hours, why?

Answered me.

  • If it was a virus I would have killed you imbecile.

  • But what if it is a slow virus that takes days to take effect?

  • Hector would have less sense. Also, look.

I started to remove the adhesive tape from my arms and showed him the big wound that had almost healed on his arm. - They bit me, several days ago, the same day I left the building, and look at me, I'm healthier than anyone, it's not a Hector virus, it's something else and I'll find out what it is. Now I need you to calm down and tell me where the hell is my girlfriend and the others?

Hector took a minute to assimilate and thought.

  • We ran and separated a little, I went with Joan, Hernán and Yue, Hernán could not walk so I went with them because you know I'm not very fast, María, her cousin, Kyoko, the other chubby ... Indriago and Megan had grabbed by another route, I think, by the church, I know that Angel, Angelica and Kenyi went together and ran towards the Marina, the mouth of the center seemed full of those monsters and ... and already.

  • Like what and now?

I asked him a little annoyed.

  • Alone and now, I separated from Hernán and Yue and I lost only that.

  • You abandoned them as a damn coward.

I said and grabbed him by the shirt, he was furious.

  • No, it's not what you think, I got tired, I thought I was going to have an attack and I hid in an abandoned car, those two just kept going, I do not know where they went.

I released Hector and I apologized.

  • And then what happened?

  • I spent the night in that car and the next day I tried to look for the boys, I returned to the building and I did not see anyone, I ended up going into a house and it was there I ate, but I was not alone, there were those monsters and mate one, but then two more appeared and I ran, the more I ran the more I saw and ended up getting to the bus where you found me, they surrounded me and there they were for more than a day, at night it was worse, they arrived more, but they did not enter, they broke the windows, almost knocked down the vehicle but could not enter. At least not until yesterday night that one went through the upper window and bit me, luckily I had the little butt nearby if I had died.

  • I understand, and did you see where Nelson ran?

  • I do not know Aldha, I do not know. I told you to spend the night in that car.

  • Did you say that you went to the building the next day?

  • Yes, I went and there was only Lucas's body with a knife stuck in his head. I do not know anymore, I do not know ... Aldha waits. I remembered something. - Hector's expression of tension changed to one of surprise and discovery. - I remember that the day before Lucas went crazy, Nelson talked about something, a beach house, a beach house in I do not know where a beach house in ... In ...

  • In Guirintal, by del Fortín del Rey.

I answered

  • Yes, exactly, how do you know?

  • Hector we have to move.

  • Why?

Hector asked.

  • Use your head, in these types of situations the best thing we can do is to be together. Now think that the group separates and casually talk about a point of departure, let's say a meeting point. Where do you think they would go to meet?

Hector realized and we grabbed our things, he armed himself with the bat and the mask and I armed myself with the knife and the machete.

  • Where is Guirintal?

Hector asked

  • I'll put it this way, friend, start looking for a car that has the keys stuck, but first we have a visit to the church.

Hector and I started looking for some available vehicle in which to transport us until I found a motorbike.

  • Damn, we will not enter here.

I affirmed, we had to throw it away and we kept looking until Hector got a carcacha, he was more shit than the economic situation of this country, but at least it was useful. We got on the tin chariot and saw each other's faces.

  • Do you know how to drive?

The same question came out of both. And since neither of us knew how to drive, I opted to take the wheel. << I learn fast, but at every turn I felt that he was going to kill us >>.

We took the route of Traki, it was closed but the garage was open and I was curious to explore it, but as there was no time we had to follow our way, the plan was to take the passenger terminal and then take a direct route to the virgin of the valley . When we were arriving, we could see that the terminal did not have a step. There was a horrible car crash there and I remembered that when I started all this the terminal was one of the first places to become a hell.

  • Mother bitch.

I said angrily, so we were going backwards when a damn big pothole cost us the car, we did not know how to drive, much less mechanics, we just knew that as soon as we hit that bump the carcacha stopped walking, so we stopped there and we went walking , we would follow the planned route. We could see that we were not alone, some of those monsters were coming out of the terminal, they looked more and more decrepit, their skin was stuck to their bones, they had almost no muscles and they gave a pity and unimaginable disgust, although we thought that eventually they would die alone, they started to run towards us, we were scared, I was surprised especially because they were more than forty meters away from us, Hector was going to run and I screamed at him.

  • Where are you going, the way is around here? Help me!

Blow After blow, stab after stab, holding bites and scratches we went to "Fextun" where a parked bus lay, we got there, had the keys stuck and while I kept the front door closed Hector started.

  • It does not start!

He cried.

  • Keep trying damn it!

It was my response. Some were entering through the back door but almost by a miracle the damn bus started. The unfortunates fell, so with the machete in hand I killed those unfortunates.

After killing those undesirable tenants I threw them through the same door where they entered the road, just in time for when we arrived at the virgin of the valley.

  • Turn right

I told Hector.

  • Station as close as possible and stay on the bus.

After telling him that I got off and ran to the church, there were two who came to me at the same time, one with a kick and the other I buried the machete in the head, << I fell >> while the Another one who kicked him up, grabbed the knife and approached him to nail him in the head, fell. I took the knife back and took the machete from the forehead of that comgent, then I could make out a body collapsed on the stairs. I started running to see what it was about and when I got closer my eyes got watery and covered my mouth. His legs were bones with some flesh, his left arm was not and part of his abdomen had been devoured, one ear is missing and although his face was gray, dry, swollen and amoreteado I could distinguish that it was Kyoko I do not know if I I felt bad for her or maybe for thinking that my girlfriend would be in the same circumstances as her. I sat for a while on the steps to meditate. I went out the back door of the church and screamed at the top of my lungs.

  • MARY!

And I knew that no one was going to answer me, a commander came running and growling towards me so I received him with a machete, the comegente fell to the ground, but he was still alive, then I mounted on him and with the machete I started stabbing his head Repeatedly and with all my strength, the rusty blade could not stand and bent, it eventually broke and it was not until then that I sat my anger. Bloodied I wiped my hands with the filthy shirt of the comegent and then dried my tears. I grabbed the half machete that was left from being broken, and returned with Hector.

  • We're going, brother.

  • Something happened?

I wonder Hector.

  • Nothing happened, I do not pass a shit.

Then there was only silence, and we left for Guirintal.

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Original Story @AldhaRoku
Correction and Embellishment @MochiRG
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