Teenagers vs. parents

Hi. friends, I hope you are well, as long as you get health, the mountain is oregano.

This theme of adolescence is very complex, copper all when we want to be friends with our children. To pretend to be cool parents. But where is the discipline? the orientation? the advice of the good and the bad?

It is not easy at all, and even less in these times where in our passion the physical and mental exhaustion that Venezuelans take daily. But we must always bear in mind that politicians pass, governments pass, everything happens. But our children do not ... They are the ones to whom we must give hours of attention, of encouragement, of affection, of accompaniment. Do not leave in the hands of others what is in our hands.


Taking into account that many times we go through the irritability and rebelliousness of the adolescents provoke "get out of their boxes" to the parents.

But that impulsive reaction leads them to make mistakes that aggravate the situation.

It is for them that communication is and will always be the best ally for parents and the upbringing of their children. The adoslecncia is not easy, we remember that we were also teenagers and that we wanted to comenor the world and that the reality was different and the only way for our children to see that reality is knowing our children, their tastes, opinions, reactions to any situation. we must be 'parents more attentive and not take this stage of adolescence to a band of stars where they say "I do not know what to do with it" or "I resign as a parent" do not get frustrated, let's face as adults the adolescence of our children.


Sometimes we do not realize that we harm ourselves as parents, as people and as adults and that at the same time we harm our children.
Do not take adolescence like a war

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