Chernobyl(Tchernobyl). An accident that was marked for the history.

Maybe some people will not be familiar with this name... "Tchernobyl" but others if, this history when two years ago i listen for the first time catch me, this kind of history's can catch me because i like the mysteries and things that is been happened in our planet. The Tchermobyl case was rock the world in April 26 of 1986... Quickly he converted in the worst nuclear disaster in the world of all times and one of the worst disasters of our environment, happened in Ukraine.

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4.7km away is been located the city of Pripyat, this city was built for all workers in the nuclear plant in 1970.

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In the dawning of April 26 the plant workers was doing a test with the objective of rise the security of the reactor four, due to faults in the security system and errors of the scientists the reactor became unstable, when the scientists noted the rise of the reactor energy,  was too late. An amazing fact, its for you can imagine the magnitude of that explosion, the top of the reactor chamber was having a weight of approximately of 1200 tons and is been throwing for the airs by the explosion. Its been said that the amount of radiation liberated in the accident is more two hundred times the bombs to the bombs dropped on Hiroshima in the second world war.

After the accident the goverment take there a group so they clean the area, group call "liquidators", 6 months after they created a sarcophagus above the rest of the reactor, this was to contain the radiation, many of then die for expose to radiation in all the time of service, the rest was incapacitated.

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The nuclear fuel of the reactor was melt and go way below of the reactor to solidify, the solidify fuel was having a form, a form that the people there calls "the elephant foot" because it looks like one, this object was the responsable of the radiation and the reason why an sarcophagus was built, that it was built to resist 30 years.

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In 2013 a second sarcophagus was started to built, it was a mobile construction. This new sarcophagus is gonna help to win more time and was built to resist 100 years.

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The contamination do not only affects Ukraine, but also a list of countries:

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This expansion of the contamination affect animals and plants, so the the countries affected take actions to prevent certain classes of food.

Here you have a few images of the ghost town of Pripyat.

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The humanity never learns about the mistakes neither history. In 2017 there is 442 nuclear reactor in 29 countries of the planet. Being United States whoever possess the most with 104 nuclear plants. All for the money of the big industries that do not care de our environment. Personally i would be very afraid of living in next to a nuclear plant, in fact im living very close to a Refining Complex and a feel it like a time bomb.

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