The double meaning. Part 1

Double entendre.


Although it is true that this topic is very broad and diverse, and it is currently present in most of the world's languages, but where I have noticed it most is in high schools where young teenagers practice it every time they speak, one word leads you to the other and therefore your group of friends begins to mock and be amazed by what you have said but the reality is that you have said it in a normal and ordinary way.

Where he's going.

The double meaning refers mostly to sex, perversity and so on, this often hurts serious people who want to make normal use of their language, teachers, congressmen and other means.

This on the other hand seeks to destroy your mind by uniting it in a world of wickedness and social suffocation.

What we can do to avoid the double entendre.

The double meaning harms us and for it we must act in a firm and discreet way, not to fall into the entanglements of the groups and to behave like a very serious and concentrated person in the subject that you wish since the double sense for being bad will harm us in our possible employment, social environment and other activity in which we implement ourselves.

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