We're alone?

For decades, human beings have raised several questions regarding our existence.

Where do we come from?

Are we the only intelligent and superior beings?



These are just two of the many questions that have arisen around several years.
Certainly on earth we are not the only species, there are animals and plants as a whole of biodiversity, yet human beings are at the top of the species because of our communication, technology and biotype ability. To think that we are the only beings with these characteristics in such a wide universe, with different solar systems, planets and galaxies, can turn out to be a very closed idea or thought.

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Science,religion,history,culture each one of these disciplines tries to explain the origin of the human being, the evolution and to where we have arrived today, but what happens when events happen that nobody can explain.
Investigating from the oldest facts to the reality we can find with really inexplicable things from pyramids around the world, some of them lined with belts of stars, chemical elements found in these structures, crop circles, objects outside their timeline , up to the most recent sighting phenomena of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) on all continents.



Although it is a subject that causes a lot of skepticism in the world, there are things like I said before that have not been explained and mysteries that surround the human being, in the future we will surely get the answers to these doubts.

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