How to know if your dog loves you

Many times we ask ourselves: Dogs are capable of loving us? What are the main signs that your dog loves you? Some are very obvious but there may be others that you will be surprised to know. I'll tell you in this little article.


Dogs are sentient animals and, as such, are capable of experiencing diverse emotions such as fear, stress, anxiety and, most likely, also love or affection towards their owners.

In recent years, there are already several books that have been written with reference to this ability to "love" dogs: "Your dog thinks and loves you", "How dogs love us", etc.

But how do you know if your dog really loves you? What are the signs that show that love bond?

Signs that your dog loves you

1 - Your dog seeks to be by your side, but not all the time.

Although it may seem that a dog loves us more the more attached it is to us, the reality is very different. Hyperagogue can be a symptom of a behavioral disorder and not a sign that our dog loves us.

Some dogs suffer especially with the separation of their owners, and reach levels of anxiety when they are left alone that are very harmful to health. In veterinary medicine, this disorder is called separation anxiety.

Therefore, a clear sign of "healthy love" on the part of our dog will be to seek our physical contact, our company, but without needing to be always on top of us.

2 - Your dog licks your mouth.

This signal can be very indicative that your dog loves you. The licks on the face and mouth of a dog are what we might call "canine kisses" and are, curiously, a behavior inherited from the wolf. In this post about why dogs lick us, we explain more about these samples of doggy affection.


3 - Your dog tolerates you loitering near your food.

Many dogs protect the feeder because food, for them, is something very valuable and precious. That's why some snarl when someone approaches his bowl full of feed. However, if a good bond between dog and owner has been established - a bond based on trust - the dog will never interpret that the owner is a threat. That is, he will know that his owner is not there to compete with him for the food.

Therefore, let your dog let you hover near your feeder can be a sign that your dog loves you or, at least, that he trusts you.

4 - Your dog greets you warmly when you get home.

No need to talk too much about the effusive receptions that dogs are able to provide us upon arrival home. In effect, this behavior would clearly enter the list of signs on how to know if your dog loves you.


5 - Your dog steals clothes impregnated with your smell.

If your dog collects socks, T-shirts, even some panties or underpants and cuddles up to sleep with them, do not worry about hygiene and let him do it. It's another sign that your dog loves you. If your body odor gives you peace of mind, that is because you are for him a figure that gives him security, someone to trust.

6 - Your dog comes when you call it naturally.

Here is a clear sign of how to know if your dog loves you or, on the contrary, prefers to do anything else than be with you.

The professional trainers explain that a reliable call is only obtained from the construction of a good bond between dog and owner. If your dog does not find you funny and interesting, why will he decide to return to your side when you call him?


Surely, with this article you have been a little clearer the fact of how to know if your dog loves you. In any case, remember that love and affection between a dog and its owner is built daily. If you play every day for a while with your dog, if you dedicate quality time and if you try to educate it, always giving the prize when punishing, you probably do not need this guide of signs that your dog loves you because you will have a clear idea that your love is unconditional love; Thank you very much for everything I hope this article is to your liking and do not forget to follow me in @ jefferson45.



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