!!!Organic and biodynamic wines!!!!

Organic and biodynamic wines!!!!


Consumers in developed countries exert their influence by rewarding environmentally responsible producers with their choice.

The "green" trend is also reflected in oenology with the creation of certificates and seals that reward those wines that guarantee a more environmentally friendly process in their production. But even in this world of sustainability there are trends such as biodynamic wines.

The great promoter of this trend is the French Nicolás Joly, who produces wines from Clos de La Coulée de Serrant, in the Loire Valley. His work is inspired by the legacy of Austrian Rudolf Steiner, who sought to promote understanding of natural cycles and their healthy relationship with human beings.

The main difference with the "common" wines is the work in the vineyard. In addition to the respect for nature, the energetic forces of the planets and their own rhythms are considered as the lunar phases. They use only their own fertilizers, which are prepared according to rituals that seem well created by a Druid monk. It is harvested manually. They are unclarified wines with little use of new wood and high contact with oxygen via transfer.

The final result is wines with a unique profile, which must be opened until one day before being tasted to reach its fullness. They are worth a try; but they certainly won't revolutionize the industry.

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