well my people here I bring you something very useful to keep the romance alive with your partner in bed

Although sometimes, in case of illness or injury, a complete sexual experience is not possible in marriage, an active sex life is necessary to keep up that vital energy that characterizes a relationship that goes through the first months and increase the charm.

In the first moments of a relationship, during the phase of falling in love, passion springs from the protagonists spontaneously, but when the relationship is accommodated, the daily task takes over their lives and the dreaded routine appears.

According to experts, modern relationships are "rusty" before what couples used to do, because their lives get in the way of everyday relationships, and couples are more likely to settle sooner than some people did. time. "The difference is that before they 'rusted' they continued with their relationships instead of finishing them or doing something about it," Santiago Gómez, a psychologist at the Center for Cognitive Psychology, told Infobae.

6 Tips to keep the passion alive in the couple


Very simple, very necessary. Maintain the habit of making your partner feel the interest you feel for her, that is, give that simple kiss before going to work and before sleeping, or even a sexy compliment during the day. You keep intimacy on the radar and you're going to make your lustful desires respond faster in bed.

Make a visit to the sex shop

It is important to maintain that sense of mystery, not knowing what sensation could cause some new sexy acquisition like a lubricant, vibrator, or some lingerie that the other does not wait at all.

Give yourself caresses

Although this is questionable by many, really giving yourself the time to masturbate helps you maintain a better disposition during the day, and you will not end up starting a discussion just for having "bad mood" with your partner, thus killing some possibility of action . Also, it feels very good.

Free yourself from distractions

Yes, we are in the age of technology. But between technology and a sensual night of intimacy with that person you love, what do you prefer? I want to emphasize that the phone will always be there when you finally reach orgasm, the important thing is that before the act, you disconnect from everything and lend all your attention in pleasing the fantasies of that evening.

Not everything is about orgasm

AHA! do not worry here we do not want to be unfair. However, what I mean by this is that taking the time to enjoy a good teaspoon with your partner, or giving yourself a sensual massage could cause a sense of intimacy sometimes stronger than sex, give yourself a break to just make yourself Feel good in other ways, it's great.

Make love

The time of sabbatical weeks without sex between couples, are no longer allowed. If they are at a distance, there are also forms, but again, that is another issue. Never ignore that sexual hunger they feel for each other, according to sexologists it is important to have sex with your partner at least once a week.

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