First of all a greeting to this great community of steemianos, to which I thank you for your great support something that motivates me every day to continue offering quality publications of truth, thank you very much.



Currently all Venezuelans are going through a situation that is alarming due to the deterioration of the quality of life and insecurity, walking through any neighborhood, street, run the risk of being robbed and stripped of all your belongings with effort and Work has been obtained and even more worrying is that this does not satisfy the criminal reaching the point of killing after taking everything away. But for the government entities here nothing is happening that is a lie and is being invented by the opposition, that is the only thing that is heard and crime continues to grow.

The economy:

As it is possible that the salary does not reach to buy food for at least a week, that does not reach to pay for household services and good least to go out and indulge in some other street food as we say here. The clothes look all faded, old, broken, and remendad because buying it is a luxury to cost only pants up to 5 or 6 minimum wages.

¿IT WILL BE THAT WE ARE LIVING A DICTATORSHIP? I'm asking the same question myself, because I do not think there are elections in a democratic country, with freedom of expression and different political ideologies, if you work in a government entity and you do not follow it, they threaten to throw you out, You have some benefit, they take it from you, among other things. so my answer to the question is; (Yes), only to see what is happening translates into dictatorship, and to follow this government that is the picture that is seen, worse things will come and it is not that I am negative but to continue with this government guarantees us poverty, delinquency , very poor quality of life to summarize .

To finish just ask God to help us and give us strength to resist what is happening to us and what comes, for our children (a), that in the end they are not to blame for anything because they are pure souls They want to grow in a country with progress and respected by everyone in the world, something that was lost in this country. Pain in my heart is what I feel when I see people eat in the trash like animals because they do not have how to buy the sustenance for the expensive of it and their only solution to survive is this.


I hope you take a moment of your time to read this post and express everything you feel about your country, and also for those who are not Venezuelans but who feel sorry for what we are going through. Your support motivates us and gives us strength to move forward. greetings to all.

follow me @derekdamian


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