Nothing can have a form


Excuse me the title of this article but it is exactly what comes to my mind when I think about space and when I write about it I do not mean a room or shed, NO, I mean outer space, the universe .Suddenly at first glance it might seem a myth or a bit bombastic the name of this post "Nothing can have form" and imperiously leads us to stop abruptly and ask ourselves; Nothingness? What is nothingness? Can nothing = non-existence have a form? This subject stings and spreads in different ways but I humbly prefer to take the path of physics to "try" to understand this tongue twister in which I have gotten them without first making a detailed compilation of certain antecedents.

It is interesting in the first instance to approach the word nothing and that first and abrupt question What is nothing ?, According to some philosophers "nothing is a thing", this concept changes between different philosophical and cultural variations but I will be accurate in giving real definitions of it.

According to the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language

  • Nothing in its meaning 1. f. Total absence or absolute lack of all being and 2. f. Feeling of emptiness or non-existence.
    Bone that for the purposes of beginning to understand where we are going, we could define it as "empty or non-existent". But continuing with the DRAS we get with the meaning number 13 of the word Void, which is:

  • "Space lacking in matter"
    That is to say, nothingness is "An empty or nonexistent space"; and for Space the Drae tells us in its first meaning:

  • "Extension that contains all the existing material"

    In other words, nothing is the extension that contains everything that surrounds us, now, how is it possible that this nothing can have form ?, How is it possible that space can have form? Interesting questions that have a logical answer and nothing philosophical.

It was Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) the most important physicist of the twentieth century who also formulated these interesting concerns, studied them and published his results in the year 1915 after several lectures on this subject entitled "General Theory of Relativity", in it and after innumerable deductions and mathematical reasoning it is concluded that gravity is not a force but a "Consequence of space (or nothing) curved", in other words, an object with a large mass deforms the space curving it as a result of the Gravity, in this way Einstein threw away the institutionalized idea of the famous "Law of universal gravitation" created by Isaac Newton 228 years earlier which handled gravity as a force resulting from the attraction of two bodies with mass. Einstein and his theory were belittled by the academics of that time, given that this idea was exaggeratedly controversial, above all due to the fact that by the date of publication there was no experimental method to verify these hypotheses.

Generally people think that space is empty, that space is nothing, but according to Einstein the gravity of a body with great mass, like the Sun, a Black Hole, etc., can distort space, so we could ask ourselves this question How is it possible that in any part of the Universe nothing can have Form? We must begin by accepting that space is not empty and that space is something, since we always imagine it dark in which the stars are and that in itself is nothing; and that's why when we say that space can have shape it seems impossible

For space is a component of the Universe and is real and participates very actively in many of the phenomena that occur in the Cosmos. For Einstein space has certain geometric properties and these properties can be altered by matter (stars, planets, etc.), then it can be said that nothing can have a curved shape just when a body is located above it (space) of an extraordinary mass such as our Sun.

Imagine a trampoline on which a bowling ball is placed, the elastic surface will tend to stretch as the bowling ball falls on it, this elasticity on the surface is just what the Sun does to the surrounding space, distorts it curving it and everything that is close to that deformation will adjust to the physical and geometric dimensions of that space. If we return to the trampoline again this time on it are drawn 1 x 1 squares it is noticeable that when it deforms, stretching the material also the squares do, that is to say that the geometry of 1 x 1 obviously changes. For this Einstein designed through brilliant mathematical and theoretical deductions a space of four dimensional, that is to say, the space with its three dimensions (width, length and depth) plus the fourth dimension represented by time. This geometry is known as non-Euclidean or curve which creates space - time. It is difficult to imagine a space of four dimensions since man is a creature accustomed to three dimensions and a space of more than three dimensions can only be represented mathematically and in relation to a coordinate system. </ div>

Summing up to advance; we have that the nothing is deformed before the presence of a body of great mass deforming the space - time. Brilliant, although now other unknowns could be generated such as What direct consequences does this create in space? The answers to this question below:

Light curves in the vicinity of a large object object

To test this hypothesis a team of British astronomers in the year 1919 took photographs of a group of stars and then during an eclipse of the Sun they returned to these stars, studying and superimposing the images they observed that "apparently" the stars had moved of place and explanation to this phenomenon is that the light of the stars in the first photograph where the sun was not traveling traveled from the star to the lens of the camera in a straight line but the same group of stars photographed during the eclipse traveled in Curved line to the lens creating that effect of apparent movement of the star. Diapositiva2.JPGImage edited by me Click here

What happened is that the sun deformed the space and the light of the stars conformed to the deformation of the space - time creating the described effect and checking the Einstein Theory.

The planets move their orbit around the Sun

Imagine again the trampoline with the bowling ball in the middle. Imagine that you take a small sphere and roll it around the Sun, you may notice that the movement is not exactly a perfect ellipse that is repeated again and again but a set of ellipses that are drawn at each step of the sphere. This is precisely what happens in the vicinity of the Sun with the planet Mercury.

[Image created by me]

Before Einstein both physicists and astronomers knew that the orbits of the planets apart from being elliptical were fixed. Einstein's theory showed that there is a shift of the orbit more precisely of the mercury planet given its proximity to the Sun.

Time passes slower near bodies of great mass

Once again I will refer to the example of the squared elastic bed whose bowling ball deforms the space. We noticed that the squares on the surface tend to deform in the vicinity of the curvature of the space, it would seem as if the squares "lengthened". This is precisely what happens with time. Near the surfaces of an extremely massive object such as a large star or black hole, time tends to elapse more slowly, even to stop within a black hole where not even light can escape due to the great deformation of time space. The speed of light is a physical constant, she travels at about 299,792.458 m / s but although the speed does not vary the time it would take to travel from an imaginary point A to a point B is closer of space - time deformations in a space where there are no massive bodies. </ div>

We have then that Nothing can have form if and only if there are very massive bodies like stars or black holes which would generate deformation in space - time creating the effects described above.

I would like to apologize if suddenly the subject and its handling by me was complicated but I can assure you that I have tried to handle it in the most didactic way possible given the complexity of the subject.

Friends, Nothing can have form

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