The sayona, a legend that became real

This is the second part of my brother's adventures, on another occasion I told them that he was a man of parties and a womanizer and he made a promise to God to free him from a fright on the curve of hell, but that was another story, this time the story is different.

He came at night, it was after 2 am, drunk and a little stubborn because there was no conquest at that party, he walked home because it was a lonely town and at that dark hour, walking down the street he sees the silhouette of a woman in the distance, black hair and very long, wearing a dress and walking alone, he saw an opportunity and tries to walk faster to reach her, the woman takes the curve at the next corner, he accelerates the step until he reaches the place where he thought the woman had crossed, but he found it strange in that street there was no corner, only a wall, he doesn't give importance to it, he keeps on walking, staggering through the streets of San Pablo, he wanders, absorbed in his drunkenness, listens to steps behind him and sees the same woman much further back, at that moment he begins to pass his drunkenness and fear takes hold of him, he walks faster, until he got to run but in an instant he sees her a little further ahead, he stops suddenly and tries to return, but when he turned around the woman was in front of him, but he had no face his eyes were hollow and his face had no shape, the fear came over him and only gave him a cry so loud and spectral that he went crazy, he began to run, when he arrived at the house where we all lived he jumped over the wall, like an athlete, When we heard the dogs we all ran out and he was lying on the floor with his eyes full of terror and despair but did not utter a word, my mother-in-law an older woman said as she came out of her room "millet that man is going to react in a few days, he got the sayona", after several days that my brother managed to start talking he told us that she was screaming in his ear during all those days and saw her in every corner where his look was going.

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