What would happen if the bees became extinct?

Bees have existed for 20 million years evolving and adapting to new temperatures and global warming, bees have colonized the five continents without any problems and there is a wide variety, such as the bee vespa mandarin measures 7.5cm long and 3.5cm wide, this resides in Asia, a single bite of this insect is enough to exterminate a human being and the incredible thing about it is that it is spreading.


Thank God it is not yet in America, where they are already arriving in Europe, right now they are on the borders of Africa near Europe and 5 years later they will be able to reach Australia by means of transport like an airplane or a cruise. or a ship then 10 years later they will be able to reach America and they will begin to colonize. It will take them 7 years to be in the whole continent and to be in the whole world it would take them 22 years, this is a great threat since millions of people could die and if we do not keep this plague at bay, they would be able to kill the same number of people who killed the black plague in the 14th century.


Bees play an important role in nature and WHAT type of role? Well, they help to pollinate the plants, flowers and trees like avocado, the cotton plant and beans, the bees keep these alive and keep them healthy, if they are not pollinated then they die because they wilt and auto decompose is a danger run.


And because bees are very hated, well the first is because of their bites, invasions, appearing in sweet foods like desserts and cakes, bees also create honey a very sweet and exquisite product as everyone knows honey and in fact bees They have been in their natural habitat for 20 million years.
If the plants die, many animals die because of the lack of food and these would cause a big problem in the food chain. For example, monkeys, squirrels, birds have predators and their food is based on seeds and others that are reproduced by trees, flowers and plants, which would occur with their predators would logically run out of food and perhaps also could be extinguished.


Although with the bees little we ask ourselves the question so that they exist, to elaborate the honey when we ask this in some other insect like for example the cockroach or beetle the most common answer will always be in the food chain.

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