Brain oxygenation

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The human anatomy is complex in its entire splendor and requires care so that its operation is not altered and every man can have a full life. That is why, as human beings we must protect what controls our entire body such as the brain, this is the main organ of the nervous system, which is responsible for regulating different functions of the human body.
Now, for this organ to perform its functions accordingly, it must have an ideal oxygenation (oxygen levels must be between 90 and 100 percent), since, breathing is the basis of all human functioning. But, sometimes the lack of oxygen in the brain occurs which causes certain neurological symptoms, leading to fainting, changes in behavior, loss of consciousness, loss of memory.
Similarly, how to diagnose a lack of oxygen in the brain known as cerebral hypoxia

"To the condition included by the lack of oxygen flow that directly affects the cerebral hemispheres (causing many diseases of the brain), preventing the passage of a certain amount of necessary nutrients necessary for the functioning of the brain. It is a pathology that can occur at any age, from neonatal patients to subjects of the third age "

This condition can be observed through the following symptoms:

• Lack of attention, in those people who are easily distracted from the activity they are doing
• Lack of understanding at high levels, reading comprehension and mathematical sciences is complicated when there is a lack of cerebral oxygenation
• Mild amnesia, memories are forgotten at times.
• Convulsions
• Failure in motor coordination.

However, these symptoms can be caused by suffocation, vertigo at high altitudes, suffocation, pressure in the dam, asthma, among others. The cerebral hypoxia can cause different consequences such as: Insomnia, hallucinations, dementia, vascular dementia that impairs brain functions, malnutrition, contractions or muscle spasms. Now, if the lack of cerebral oxygenation is not treated it can create sequels in people as the affectation of language development, intelligence. Because, when there is cerebral hypoxia, brain cells die that help the nervous system work perfectly.

What to do to oxygenate the brain?

To maintain adequate oxygen in our brain, we must avoid places where carbon monoxide exists, since this prevents the circulation of oxygen in our body. Because of this, it is recommended to breathe pure air by taking deep breaths (taking small inhalations, relaxing and exhaling deeply, avoiding hyperventilation) that also help to calm our mood, exercise constantly, have a balanced diet. In the same way, the constant use of our brain motivates it to produce cells that allow new connections, that is, exercising our brain through reading, mental games, among others.

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