Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you one of the happiest moments of my life! Almost 2 months ago I said YES to eternal love.

His name is Tommy, he is my boyfriend, future husband, Fiancé, fiance, my best friend, the one who always listens to me, tries to understand me, tells me when I am wrong, supports me in my decisions, he brings out my best , He is with me in the good and the bad. We have grown together both humanly and spiritually in a very short time, always in the hands of GOD. Because in our relationship we are not 2 but 3, Tommy, I and in the midst of us Jesus. To Him I thank Him every day for choosing someone so good for me, I could not have chosen better.

On May 11 of this year, that very early morning (5:30 a.m.), without knowing it or waiting for it, my life took a decisive course. I never thought the moment would be so special. I always saw on TV shows or youtube videos and tried to imagine what my marriage proposal would be like, but the truth is I never thought it would be so special. So it was in that little chapel where we regularly went to mass together, with the dawn and in front of God gave that moment that I would describe as perfect. With live music in the background and surrounded by the most important people (family and friends) I felt the happiest woman in this world, but at the same time with a little fear for the great and decisive step we were giving.

I know, from what I have seen, read and heard, that marriage is not simple, but I firmly believe that the bases are built from the beginning of the courtship, where communication, respect and love are the protagonists of this Great story. And although our path has not been easy, we are sure that with much effort and sacrifice we will achieve the family we want and always ready to continue learning from life and those around us.

That is why I would also like to hear the advice and opinions about marriage that you steemians want to give me. I am always open to learning from others and what better way to listen to the advice of those who, either from experience or knowledge know about the life of marriage.

The money gathered in Steemit is destined for our wedding! Thank you all for helping!

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