My first time beeing an Au-pair

Hello all of you!
I decided that I am going to tell (I would like to write a short story for) you about my first experience abroad and how amazing is to be an au-pair. (Only if you have the right family of course.)

I was 19 years old when I decided to go abroad for the first time on my own. I felt like I lost everything in here and there was nothing left to wait for. I finished my school which I could not stand and my boyfriend had left me few months ago. I was broken and I was lost. Then my really good friend who happened to be also my english teacher told me about how amazing is to be away from the Czech Republic and basically that grass is greener somewhere else. She is a very good, nice and helpful person and she helped me to get an agency, which helped me to find the right family for me. Few weeks after, my agency called and told me that one family is keen on speaking with me via skype. I can´t even say how I was thrilled to hear that and by the end of the week I was offered a job for that amazing family. As soon as I could, I packed my bags and I was on my way to London.
I didn´t really care where, or how I go, for me, the only important thing was, that I can disappear After a long ride I was finally in London and I was shocked how many people were there! Masses and masses of people in the subway, I wasn´t even able to get a ticked without some pushing and queueing for a long time. I think I also had a small heart attack when I saw the price on my ticket but as I was shocked I kept on moving down to the platforms. I got into the train and I was praying that it was the right one which should terminate at Richmond station. As soon as the train announced that “we are at the last stop” I left the train and went to terminals to see my future family and there she was! My perfect brand new host mum was standing there in her pink sweat suit and she was picking me up after my travels.

The house was just at the main street and we got there really quickly. I met her husband, kids and a small dog named Womble. The house was huge! I had never seen house that old and big before from the inside. They took me to my room, showed me around and left me alone for a bit. I was shocked, I felt like this can´t even be happening to me and felt like I was dreaming. I took a shower and gave them small gifts .Then the small Eliott (the younger child) took me with him to see the shops where I will be grocery shopping.

When I was settled in after 2 days my host mum had a diner party with her friends and she asked me to help her. Of course I helped her, I have never been to house party before and I was excited to see all that posh people from Richmond as it is a really rich part of London. They were sitting there chatting, while I was serving them and in the end we all had an ice-cream. I sat with my ice-cream a bit away from them and I was thinking how lucky I was to be there. That was the first time I realised, that, this is the life I want for myself and I have never been happier then at that moment sitting there and eating ice-cream because I was just a small girl from a village. 11796252_1190806154279266_4244310228623734863_n.jpg11831818_1194410453918836_1279567696649229066_n.jpg20160330_193159.jpg

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