how to energetically heal your body

I am going to be covering a lot of territory in many different blog posts.
but before i start make sure to follow me on

Energy Healing
The first few things are going to be the most important:

  • honor your sexual organs. do not masturbate and do not watch porn.
    when you touch yourself down their do it lovingly and not for the purpose of sexual arousal.
    the energies which flow up the spine get aggravated if you dont honor this energy. i will talk more about it in the future
  • connect with nature. eat directly from nature (dandelions, nestles, whatever you have at your disposal but wash it thoroughly before you eat it)
  • do not occupy yourself with pingala energy (movies, computer games, reading, stress etc.)
  • stretch your spine, especially the lower back. as you arch forward breath in.. arch back breath out

lots more to come... stay tuned and subscribe on my bitclout

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