How to think more positive

Having a positive outlook on life's events can be quite challenging for some. Personally, I used to be prone to jumping to conclusions and formulating negative ideas/comments about everything. Not only did this lead me down a dark path, but I stopped realizing the beauty this world has to offer.

If one wants to think more positive, it takes consciousness realization, motivation, and discipline to do so. Everyone is capable of reprogramming their mind to think more positive, however, people have a lot of self-doubt. The mind is a very powerful tool that can alter the way we perceive things. Just like a computer, we have the ability to develop and train ourselves.

Applaud and focus on the right that happens daily. If we pay attention to the negatives, we fail to focus on the good in life. Pay attention to the good, and good will come... Likewise, water the flowers you want to see grow!

A good example of this is Walt Disney. He got fired by his producer in Kansas City in 1921 due to a lack of imagination and creativity. Therefore, he continued working with local artists in Kansas but shortly went bankrupt. With little money, he moved himself to Hollywood to follow his dreams with cartoon animation. Boarder line homeless, he did not lose hope. He kept striving and working towards his goal; to draw, animate, and publish his cartoon creations. His persistence lead to the creation of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Minnie Mouse. Later, his new goal was to open an amusement park which got denied multiple times because it would create riff-raff. However, Walt Disney did not listen to the negativity that was constantly surrounding him; he watered the flowers he wanted to grow. Now, we have Disney themed parks around the world that collects a signifiant amount of revenue.
If Walt Disney were to stop following his dreams after he got rejected multiple times, we would not have the classic Disney movies or themed parks. That is why Disney's main motto is: follow your dreams. Never give up. This is portrayed through the various animated films that are so popular amongst every generation. Success comes from those who think positive and persist.

90% of people live under chronic stress which deteriorates your body, mentality, and emotions. Negative emotions distract you from your goals. It can be challenging to overcome negative thoughts and it actually requires conscious effort to do so.
The first step to diminish negativity is:
1) Find the silver lining -- realize there is a brighter side to the problem you are facing.
2) See the positivity in yourself -- give yourself grace rather than being so critical.
3) Do something that makes you happy -- yoga, reading, drawing, music, etc.

Everything is temporary. The obstacles, the insecurities, or problems you may be facing. My challenge for you readers is to surround yourself in a positive environment. Surround yourself in nature and expand your knowledge by reading a book. If you have social media, unfollow accounts that post negative content. Rather, fill your feed with insightful and motivational content. With mass exposure, there will be a difference in the way you think and perceive events.

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