Dear @enchantedspirit, this is a call for you to Write

Hi @enchantedspirit!

Are you well?

I'm sure you're busy, I'm sure you've got all kinds of things going on.

You know, I feel you would have received this months and years ago now, but your writing really helped me.

The knowledge was one thing, the way you expressed was another, and the fact that it was here and now was another - I really appreciate what I've learned from you - and there were periods where I read and enjoyed your writing more than anyone, I was almost exclusively reading just your writing!

I don't know if that's special to you, it doesn't really matter, it's special to me, your writing and your knowledge is special to me, and that's what I'm trying to communicate.

Cutting to it...

Saturn conjuct Pluto - Please write about this conjunction @enchantedspirit!

Or Pluto conjuct Saturn..

The conjuncting of Pluto and Saturn!

Would you share your writing on this conjunction?

And if you wouldn't do it here, would you do it elsewhere? I don't mind where you do it - I would just love to read your response to this event.

The reason I come to you is as I've described above, and also that I've just read of a local event happening in about 30 minutes - a group meditation.

Supposedly, this conjunction has massive significance in Australia (where I'm from and am) - and there's an article published by someone called Zeta Message titled The Interrupted Ceremony.

In fact, I don't know anything about Zeta Message, and looking at the post which is here it looks like there's quite a rabbit hole to go down to.

But back to it. I'd love to read your perspective on this conjunction, it sounds important.

If you've already written about it elsewhere please let me know.

And perhaps I can offer you something to write about this - though aside my request, I would not like to force anything - I just ask that you write if you're called to it, and to please write ;)

Regardless, I appreciate your time.

I hope you're well.

Thank you for your knowledge and your expression @enchantedspirit

Sing out if you need anything :)

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