Jobs Some People Don't Know Exists in the Fashion Industry.

Once the topic fashion is brought up, the only thing that springs up in the mind of people is fashion designing. Even the word 'fashion designing', one of the most abused words in fashion, only interpretes to some of these people as an advanced obioma ( please correct me if I'm wrong, smiles). To begin this enlightening session, some of these opportunities in the fashion industry, that we are uaware of will be listed, further explanations will precede the listing.

We have:
▶Fashion designing
▶Fashion illustration
▶Fashion styling
▶Fashion Merchandizing
▶Fashion Journalism
▶Fashion public relations
▶Fashion influencing
▶Fashion photography

Fashion designing:
This entails the entire process of the production of an outfit, from the concept stage to the showcase of the finished work. He or she takes a design from idea to reality. It all starts with researching trends to studying the target market, to sketching ideas/designs, to selecting appropriate fabrics for the designs, to tailoring the design and finally to showcasing the outfit (s) which eventually leads to sales or delivery, depending on the kind of service that designer renders.

Fashion designers create wears ranging from men's apparel to women's and children's apparel which includes sport wears, lingeries, underwears, footwear's, etc. These outfits are most times produced and released in seasons and collections creating a shopping pattern for their various target customers. An example of a fashion designer is Titi Macaulay image
Image source:Titi Macaulay brand page

Image source: Titi Macaulay's online catalog

Fashion Illustration:
Fashion illustration is the representation of fashion ideas/ designs on paper or through computer programs. This is a skill that is highly required in fashion because it is the only way creative directors or designers communicate their ideas or designs accurately to members of their design team. And sometimes, an idea might not be as great as it seemed in the head but its physical representation or illustration will help make a great decision, therefore it is essential for a fashion designer to master this art. A person who does fashion illustration is called a fashion illustrator. Few of them are, Loosebunch Studio, the fifteenth and Celeafrique.

Image source: Loose bunch Instagram page

Image source: Illustration by Celafrique

This is a job in the fashion industry that is solely concerned with amending, cutting, sewing and joining of fabrics to become a piece of art /design instructed by a fashion designer or even a direct customer. A person who does this work is called a tailor.
Image source: Wikipedia

Embellishers adorn outfits sometimes before sewing or even after sewing. This can be done with sequins, beads, buttons, or appliques and so on. It could be as simple as this: image
Image source: Instagram
or with lots of extras: image
Image source: Instagram

▶Fashion styling:
A fashion stylist can be referred to as a wardrobe manager or wardrobe stylist. The responsibility of this office is to make appropriate choice of outfit of a person for a particular event. A strong understanding of colours, fabric types, body types and a powerful way of telling stories with these elements is significant. Fashion stylists are most times hired by celebrities, an important figure or anyone whose f
physical appearance is essential to their occupation. They are hired by these people also, for wardrobe restructuring, wardrobe reorganization. They are also hired in movies, music videos, etc to cater for the appearance of the casts in line with the role of these individuals using a theme most likely the title, as a guide. They often work with fashion designers, hair stylists, make-up artists and sometimes photographers to put together a certain look guided by a theme. Examples of fashion stylists in the industry is Style Infidel, Fayo for Sheels Urbane, Jane Michael.

Image Source: Fayo's page
Below is a picture of one of his works
Image source: Fayo's page

Another notable stylist in the industry is Jane Micheal
Image source: Image from Jane's page

Here's is D J Cuppy styled by the talented stylist for the premier of The Wedding Party 2
Image source: Jane's Instagram page

▶Fashion merchandizing
Fashion merchandizers most times impact the sale of a fashion item. They promote clothing and other fashion items by planning and managing stock. Well developed quantitative skills and natural ability yo discover trends are required in this aspect of fashion. Fashion merchandisers ensure designs produced by fashion designers reach their target market and are desired by them. Very good examples of fashion merchandisers are the Grey Velvelt stores, Leyi Ush.

▶Fashion Journalists
Journalism in fashion is researching and publishing articles that puts fashion out there. It could be an article on interviews with key people in the industry, it could be an article on fashion shows, study of celebrity fashion and outstanding designers to broadcast trends. Media is key to the fashion industry. A fashion journalist could be a fashion critic, for example, The Fashion Police, could also be a fashion writer or reporter.Journalists in this industry usually have good contacts with fashion designers, photographers, and so on in the industry. They sometimes work as freelancers for publications and sometimes as full time employees. A renown British- American fashion journalist is Dame Anna Wintour. She was once the editor- in- chief of Vogue.
Image source: Instagram

▶Fashion Public Relations
Specialist in this field work with fashion brands or labels and retailers to build a strong profile and assist with media coverage of new products that are to be launched. A PR firm is more like a hype company in a layman's term. They help brands build and sustain relationship with consumers, with the media and the industry in other words they market fashion in a creative way, creating a buzz. A fashion public relations specialist may work independently or with a PR firm.

▶Fashion Influencing:
Fashion influencers are people with the power to affect the consuming decision of the buying population sometimes because of the nature of their jobs, position, relationship with the society or even knowledge. We have them to celebrities, fashion bloggers, content creators and even industry experts. Some of these individuals are Awed by Monica, a blogger, Chicama Style, Lady Vodka, a blogger and a stylist, to mention a few
Image source: Instagram
Images source: Instagram

▶Fashion photography.
This office plays a very vital role in fashion marketing and promotion. . Fashion photography is a branch of photography that is devoted to portray fashion items and clothing. They are responsible for how the outfits are presented in advertising campaigns and magazines. They come up with outstanding concepts for photoshoots and they have a great understanding of fashion, style and how to shoot them. A very brilliant fashion photographer that I have worked with is Ayotola. Below is a past work of hers.
Image source: Instagram

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