World trade centre 911

16 years ago, Tuesday, September 11, 2001 was a very traumatic event for most of us. On that morning the USA got attacked. The attacks killed 2,997 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage.

Investigating 911
I've investigated 911 for 200+ hours. This post is about giving an honest picture of why some people claim to have proofs the NIST report on the collapse of the WTC complex structures contain fundamental flaws, hiding some crucial facts about 911.

It is about providing some of those proofs, making them as clear as possible, providing some links to peer-reviewed studies on the subject, giving the subject some visibility and an opportunity for people to weigh in.

I've been wanting to write a comprehensive thing on 911 for many years now. It's not all encompassing but it's a start.

Lost Lives
Many innocent lost their life directly or indirectly due to 911. This event is a real tragedy no matter who were responsible.

People Who Lost Some Close Relative On 911
Many 9/11 survivors and many 9/11 victim family members have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Several even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. [1][2][3]

9/11 Commission

"The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the 9/11 Commission, was set up on November 27, 2002, "to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11 attacks", including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks. The commission was also mandated to provide recommendations designed to guard against future attacks." [Wikipedia]

9/11 Commission Set Up To Fail
According to the 2 co-chairs of the Commission, the Commission was set up to fail.

"The two co-chairs of the Commission, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, believe that the government established the Commission in a way that ensured that it would fail. In their book Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission describing their experience serving, Hamilton listed a number of reasons for reaching this conclusion, including: the late establishment of the Commission and the very short deadline imposed on its work; the insufficient funds (3 million dollars), initially allocated for conducting such an extensive investigation (later the Commission requested additional funds but received only a fraction of the funds requested and the chairs still felt hamstrung); the many politicians who opposed the establishment of the Commission; the continuing resistance and opposition to the work of the Commission by many politicians, particularly those who did not wish to be blamed for any of what happened; the deception of the Commission by various key government agencies, including the Department of Defense, NORAD and the FAA; and, the denial of access by various agencies to documents and witnesses. "So there were all kinds of reasons we thought we were set up to fail." [Wikipedia]

9/11 Family Steering Committee
"The 9/11 Family Steering Committee was an organization of twelve relatives of victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. Members of the Committee included the Jersey Girls. It was part of the 9/11 Truth Movement and was set up to monitor the work of the 9/11 Commission."

According to the Washington Post and 2 senators, Joseph I. Lieberman and Susan Collins, it's family members' public complaints that pressured President Bush to drop his initial opposition to a Sept. 11 commission. [Wikipedia]

The 9/11 Family Steering Committee ended up being dissatisfied with the commission created and madate. More can be read about some of their complaints here.

Some Polls On 911
First I want to begin with some of the polls that has been done regarding where people stand on 911. Below, I quoted Wikipedia about one of this poll. Many more of these kind of poll can be found on this wikipedia page.

Yougov Poll
One of them carried out by the company yougov in 2012 finds most Americans open to alternative 9/11 theories. Reports on the poll can be found here and here and the actual poll can be found here.

World Public Opinion Poll

"A poll taken by, a collaborative project of research centers in various countries managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, College Park, polled 16,063 people in 17 nations outside of the United States during the summer of 2008. They found that majorities in only 9 of the 17 countries believe al-Qaeda carried out the attacks."

"46 percent of those surveyed said al-Qaeda was responsible, 15 percent said the U.S. government, 7 percent said Israel and 7 percent said some other perpetrator. One in four people said they did not know who was behind the attacks."

"The summary of the poll noted that "Though people with greater education generally have greater exposure to news, those with greater education are only slightly more likely to attribute 9/11 to al Qaeda." Steven Kull, director of, commented "It does not appear that these beliefs can simply be attributed to a lack of exposure to information." Of those who said the United States was the perpetrator, Kull says many believe it was an attempt to justify an impending U.S. invasion of Iraq."

The NIST Report

"After the FEMA report had been published, and following pressure from technical experts, industry leaders and families of victims, the Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conducted a three-year, $16 million investigation into the structural failure and progressive collapse of several WTC complex structures."

"The scope of the NIST investigation was focused on identifying "the sequence of events" that triggered the collapse, and did not include detailed analysis of the collapse mechanism itself (after the point at which events made the collapse inevitable)." [Wikipedia]

Peer-Reviewed Studies On 911
The link below list 22 peer reviewed studies with links. The authored are qualified scientists, including PhD graduates from Harvard, Cambridge, and Cal Tech published in Peer Reviewed Independent Scientific Journals (PRISJs) including 10 engineering related journals. It's over 500 pages of peer reviewed papers.

List Of Peer-Reviewed Studies On 911 Published In Independent Scientific Journals
Many People Doubt The Official Story

Many hundreds of people doubt the official story, among them 1500+ verified architects and engineers who have investigated the WTC collapse have sign a petition to have 9/11 investigation be re-opened and include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7.

Many hundreds of testimonies to many of the people mentioned in the image above can be found in the link below.

500+ Testimonies Of Professionals On 911
9/11 Control Demolition In Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal
Published by the peer-reviewed journal Europhysics News, the study entitled: "15 Years Later: On the Physics of High-rise Building Collapses" concluded that the evidence points overwhelmingly to controlled demolition as the real cause of the building destruction, the Twin Towers and WTC 7.

Link To The Actual Study
Explosive Material Found In WTC Dust

In a study published in the Bentham Open Chemistry and Physics Journal, authors concluded: "Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material."

The dust contained some iron spheres having some specefic characteristics which could have only been attained by temperature much higher than the fire from the kerosene from the planes or office fires of the WTC complexe.

"Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe"
Testimonies Of Secondary Explosions

Many secondary explosions have been heard and felt during the event. There are also recording of some of those explosions. There exists many reports of those explosions on live TV by journalists. Here are some of those recording and testimonies. There are many more testimonies of secondary explosions then the one listed below.

NIST Didn't Investigated For Explosives

According to NIST there was no evidences for explosives so they excluded explosives from any of their investigations. The rational of NIST is explained and refuted in the video above by David Chandler, retired physics teacher.

Molten Steel

There are testimonies of people who have witnessed molten steel days after the collapse of the towers. Some of those testimonies come from the rescue workers in charge of cleaning up the after math of 911. Some of those testimonies have been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Note: to melt steel necessitate much higher temperature than what fires from kerosene or office building can achieve and thus those molten steel can't be explained by the NIST report which state there was no explosives or more precisely didn't look to see if there was any explosives.

"What accounts for the molten metal observed on 9/11/2001?”
Video Evidences From The Collapse

The video above explain many aspects of the collapse that cannot be explained by a gravity lead collapse.

Large multi ton beams were hurled laterally.
Lateral ejection of free-flying heavy steel sections up to 70 miles per hour not congruent with gravity lead collapse.
Explosive squibs at 100+ miles an hour.
Many other video evidences.
World Trade Center Twin Towers: Constant Acceleration

Rigging The Towers With Explosives
According to many experts it seems it would have been possilbe to rigged the towers with explosives even as those were still occoppied and in use. The section below is copied for an article that can be found here.

The Twin Towers had been evacuated a number of times in the weeks preceding 9/11
There was a power down in the Twin Towers on the weekend before 9/11, security cameras were shut down, and many workers ran around busily doing things unobserved (confirmed )
A tenant of the World Trade Center hired a "sprinkler repairman" shortly before 9/11, and gave him access to 6 underground levels at World Trade Center building 1
A Bush-linked company ran security at the trade centers, thus giving it free reign to the buildings
Accessing The Core Columns
The chief electrical engineer who wired the World Trade Centers (Richard Humenn) says that people working on the elevators could have planted explosives: .

Mechanical engineer Gordon Ross, in his talk on the destruction of the Twin Towers, pointed out that:

"Those [core] columns which were situated adjacent to and accessible from inside the elevator shafts failed at an early stage of the collapse. Those columns which were remote from the elevator shafts, and not accessible from the elevator shafts, survived the early stages of the collapse."

Demolition Expert Weigh In On The Subject

Tom Sullivan demolition expert explain how this rigging could have been done and why he knew from day one that 911 was a control demolition event. I've also read the company working on the elevators would have had direct access to the perimeter columns. If I remember correctly these accesses would have been through space between each floors and ceilings. According to Mr Sullivan access to perimeter columns were unnecessary.

"Indeed, a top demolition expert says that with access to the elevator shaft, a team of loading experts would have access to the columns and beams."

"According to USA Today: "On Sept. 11, ACE Elevator of Palisades Park, N.J., had 80 elevator mechanics inside the World Trade Center". And the U.S. government agency (the National Institute of Standards and Technology) itself says that, on 9/11, "Elevators 6A and 7A were out of service for modernization". (NIST NCSTAR 1-8, p.97). In addition, Ace worked in and around structural steel at the Twin Towersimage

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