Traditional fishing in Aceh (tarek pukat)


Menangkap ikan secara tradisional atau di sabut dalam bahasa aceh "tarek pukat" ini dilakukan oleh masyarakat Gampong bangka


*In the Acehnese language, tarek pukat means fishing trawlers, where these activities take place in coastal areas and become routine activities of fishermen. At first depicted fisherman sailing in the sea approximately 1 mile, then throw a trawler, while on the shore the other fishermen prepared to tie a rope to the waist. Ropes that have been installed at the waist it will be easier when pulling a trawl, especially if tarek trawl done rollicking. This ritual is very strong with Aceh culture. No wonder, that's because the province in the western tip of Indonesia is flanked by the beach. Cheerful ripples on the faces of the fishermen looming beneath the glowing sun. The sky and the blue sea set against a cluster of hills in the distance make the eyes unsaturated. The waves bathed in sunshine chasing the shore into a melodic singing wave*

This moment I take my time morning walk to the beach with my friend .. my photo moment with my smartphone .. Brand OPPO a37 dengen 8 mp quality






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